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Tithing is a highly relevant topic in the Christian life, as it is directly related to obedience, faith, and gratitude to God. This study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of tithing, based on Holy Scripture and contextualized with practical applications for the modern Christian life.
Have you ever wondered what tithing is? The word “tithe” means “the tenth part.” From Genesis to the New Testament, tithing appears as an act of recognizing God’s sovereignty over everything we possess. More than an obligation, it is a demonstration of gratitude, faithfulness, and worship.
Tithing in the Old Testament
Tithing in the Old Testament is presented as a practice of gratitude and recognition of God’s sovereignty. The first biblical record is in Genesis 14:20, when Abram, after a significant victory, spontaneously offers a tithe of everything to Melchizedek, priest of the Most High God. This act symbolizes Abram’s understanding that his victory was granted by God and demonstrates his gratitude.
In the Law of Moses, tithing was formalized as a divine ordinance, with specific purposes: to support the Levites, who were the ministers responsible for the tabernacle (Numbers 18:21-24), to meet the needs of the most vulnerable, and to ensure maintenance in the house of God. This instruction is clearly expressed in Deuteronomy 14:22, reinforcing the role of tithing as a continuous and structured practice for the life of the people of Israel.
In Malachi 3:10, God calls for faithfulness, saying, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.” Here, He rebukes the people’s infidelity and invites them to trust in His provision, promising abundant blessings to those who obeyed. This text highlights the importance of tithing as an expression of trust and dependence on the Lord, reaffirming His role as provider.
Tithing in the New Testament
Tithing in the New Testament is treated indirectly, but principles related to generosity, stewardship, and contribution are widely taught. Although tithing as a specific practice is not explicitly commanded, the New Testament emphasizes values that complement and deepen the foundations established in the Old Testament.
In Matthew 23:23, Jesus rebukes the Pharisees, saying, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.” This teaching highlights that, although tithing was strictly practiced by the Pharisees, they lacked understanding of the deeper principles of the law, such as justice, mercy, and faith. Jesus does not condemn tithing, but shows that it is not enough if it is not accompanied by an upright and compassionate life.
Another essential aspect in the New Testament is the principle of generosity, as emphasized in 2 Corinthians 9:7: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Here, the Apostle Paul presents a more spiritual and voluntary approach to giving. It is not a legal obligation, but an act of worship, reflecting gratitude and trust in God. This teaching reinforces that the attitude of the heart when giving is more important than the amount itself.
Furthermore, the example of the Early Church in Acts 2:44-45 shows a radical commitment to the Kingdom of God: “And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.” The first Christians demonstrated extraordinary generosity, moved by the desire to meet each other’s needs and by dedication to God’s work. This behavior demonstrates a practical application of Jesus’ teachings on love and detachment from material possessions.
Therefore, in the New Testament, the practice of giving is not limited to tithing as an obligation, but expands to a lifestyle marked by generosity, sharing, and mutual care. This model challenges Christians to reflect on their stewardship, considering not only what they offer, but how their contributions express faith, love, and trust in the Lord. Thus, tithing, even if not explicitly commanded, finds continuity in broader principles involving total dedication to God and neighbor.
Tithing Today: Why is it Important?
- Recognizes God’s sovereignty: By tithing, we declare that everything we have belongs to the Lord (Psalm 24:1).
- Supports God’s work: Tithing allows for the maintenance of the ministry and support for those in need (Philippians 4:15-18).
- Strengthens faith: Offering tithes requires trusting God to provide for our needs (Philippians 4:19).
Tithing is more than a religious practice or a financial obligation; it is a profound expression of gratitude, faith, and trust in God. Throughout biblical history, both in the Old and New Testaments, we see that the offering of tithes has always had a clear purpose: to support God’s work and support the community of faith. In the Old Testament, the tithe was used to maintain the service in the temple and ensure that the needy were cared for. In the New Testament, the emphasis is on the spirit of generosity and contributing with joy, reflecting a heart willing to collaborate with God’s mission. But what happens to the tithes that churches receive today?
Today, churches continue to play a vital role in society, being a meeting point for spiritual edification and support for those in need. The contribution of tithes makes it possible to maintain the church’s activities, allowing it to advance in its mission. For example, tithe money is used to purchase essential materials for cleaning and maintaining the place of worship, ensuring that the church is always in suitable conditions to receive the faithful. In addition, the acquisition of benches, utensils, and equipment is also necessary to provide a comfortable and functional environment for everyone.
Another important aspect of tithing is the support for ministers of the word, such as pastors. Paying salaries to those who dedicate their lives to God’s work is essential so that they can continue to serve the community without worrying about daily sustenance. The tithe ensures that spiritual leaders can focus on their pastoral responsibilities, preaching, teaching, and guiding church members. Without this financial support, many pastors would face difficulties in fully exercising their ministry.
In addition, resources from tithes are essential for carrying out social and missionary work. Many churches use part of the tithe to help those in need, whether by providing food, clothing, or assistance to people in vulnerable situations. The tithe can also be allocated to missionary projects that aim to take the gospel to other communities or even other countries. In this way, the tithe contributes directly to the expansion of the Kingdom of God, not only within the church but also in the world around it.
Ultimately, the tithe is a powerful tool for the advancement of God’s Kingdom. It not only sustains the practical needs of the church but also reflects the attitude of a generous and obedient heart. By understanding the purpose of tithing and how it can be used for the edification of the church and meeting the needs of the community, Christians are challenged to contribute with joy and gratitude, knowing that their offering has a real and lasting impact on God’s work. The tithe, therefore, is a way of expressing our faith in God, allowing Him to continue to work through His church to bless lives and transform the world.