Children’s Bible Story: Noah’s Ark

Published On: 27 de June de 2023Categories: Bible Story for Children

Bible Verse : Genesis 7:1 – “Then the Lord said to Noah, Enter you and all your household into the ark, for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.”

Bible Story: Noah’s Ark

The bible speaks of a man named Noah, who was very special in the eyes of God. Noah was a righteous and obedient man to God in the midst of a generation that had strayed from the ways of the Lord. God looked at Noah and decided to save humanity through him.

God revealed to Noah that he was going to send a great flood over the Earth to destroy all that was evil. However, he instructed Noah to build an ark, a large vessel made of wood, so that he and his family would be saved, along with a selection of animals of all kinds.

Noah obeyed God and began building the ark just as God had instructed. With every hammer blow and every nail, Noah believed that God was with him, guiding and protecting him. As he built the ark, the people around him mocked and laughed at Noah, thinking he was crazy. But Noah remained firm in his faith, trusting that God would fulfill his word.

When the ark was finally ready, Noah and his family entered it, along with the animals that God had assigned to enter in pairs. The doors of the ark were closed, and black clouds covered the sky, bringing heavy rains to the Earth.

For forty days and forty nights, the rain fell incessantly, covering the entire land with water. But inside the ark, Noah and his family were safe and secure. The animals were also safe in the ark, as God took care of them.

After many days, the rain finally stopped, and Noah sent a raven and a dove to find dry land. Finally, the dove returned with an olive branch in its beak, indicating that the earth was emerging. So Noah knew that God had fulfilled his promise and that the Earth was ready to be inhabited again.


Noah, his family and the animals left the ark and began to repopulate the Earth. Noah built an altar and offered a sacrifice to God, thanking him for his goodness and mercy. God made a promise to Noah that he would never again destroy the earth through a flood. He placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of that promise, reminding mankind of his love and faithfulness.

Lessons for Today:

The story of Noah’s Ark teaches us many valuable lessons for today. She shows us the importance of being obedient to God, even when people around us don’t understand or make fun of us. Noah faced ridicule but maintained his faith and obedience.

Furthermore, the story of Noah’s Ark teaches us about God’s care for his creatures. He not only saved Noah and his family, but he also preserved the animals, showing us the value and importance of protecting and caring for nature and the animals God created.

The story also reminds us of God’s faithfulness in keeping his promises. Just as God fulfilled his promise to save Noah and his family, he also fulfills his promises in our lives. We can trust God in the midst of challenges and difficulties, knowing that He is with us and will keep His promises.

We can apply these lessons in our everyday lives by practicing obedience to God, caring for creation and trusting his promises. We can love and respect all of God’s creatures, practice compassion and forgiveness, and live by biblical principles of justice and righteousness.

The story of Noah’s Ark is a story full of hope, love and salvation. She inspires us to trust God, care for one another, and live by his teachings. May this story touch the hearts of children, moving them to seek God and to live lives full of faith, love and obedience.

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Written by : Ministério Veredas Do IDE

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