Matthew 18:21-22 – Forgiveness the healing of body and soul
Forgiveness is something extremely necessary in the Christian’s life, as we must fulfill and understand the real power that exists in forgiving those who somehow offended us.
Do you know the meaning of the word forgiveness?
Forgiveness is the human action of getting rid of a guilt, an offense, a debt and so on. Forgiveness is a mental process aimed at eliminating any resentment, anger, bitterness, or other negative feelings about a person or yourself.
In the religious sphere, the concept of forgiveness is related to the so-called “spiritual purification process”, an idea that is present in almost all religious doctrines, and which consists in the elimination of harmful feelings to man, such as anger, hurt or the desire for revenge.
Source: Forgiveness – Meanings
We understand that God is good, he forgives our mistakes and sins. His grace reaches all who truly repent of their sins and invokes his forgiveness. Psalm 86:5 – You are kind and forgiving, Lord, rich in grace to all who call on You.
How many times should we forgive?
Matthew 18:21-22 – Then Peter approached Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus replied: “I say to you: Not up to seven, but up to seventy times seven.
We understand that forgiveness is not just a mathematical sum, but we understand that forgiveness goes far beyond, as every time we forgive someone even her wrong has more than once with us, forgive her as if for the first time.
understand that when Jesus said that we should grant forgiveness not seven times but seventy times seven understand that 70×7 = 490 times.
whatunderstand is to forgive someone 490 Sometimes it is to understand that we as Christians are willing to forgive as often as necessary.
Every day we ask God for forgiveness for our mistakes and sins committed by thoughts, words and works for our failures and we are convinced that he forgives and cleanses us from all sin. In the same way, God wants us to come every day to be willing to forgive those who in some way have offended us.
We can understand that God’s forgiveness is something inexhaustible What can be done for human beings is conditional on our willingness to recognize and forsake sin and also to forgive our brothers and sisters.
The release of Forgiveness is something very important even for our prayer, because in the model prayer, the prayer of the Our Father Jesus makes it very clear. Matthew 6:12 – Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors.
We can understand that we are asking God to forgive our debts in the same way that we forgive our debtors ie God will forgive us to the extent that I forgive my neighbor if I am not able to forgive my neighbor as I want to achieve the forgiveness of God.
The Bible clearly teaches us that it is extremely necessary to seek reconciliation, for without reconciliation it is impossible to receive God’s forgiveness. Mark 11:25,26 – And when you are praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your heavenly Father may also forgive your sins.” But if you do not forgive, so will your Father who is in heaven He will not forgive your sins.
The Word of God is clear teaching us that we only receive forgiveness when we are able to forgive and when we become unable to forgive, we also become unable to receive God
‘s forgiveness. the sin that generates physical and soul illnesses there are people who cannot release forgiveness and are trapped in illnesses
Unforgiveness is such a serious matter, as it is a disease that begins in the soul and can be seen through signs in the body human. what we would like to say is that if I can not forgive someone, not only sickens the soul but also the body becomes ill with this feeling.
There are thousands and thousands of people who are ill, because until today no conse guide to release forgiveness. Below we will list some psychosomatic illnesses that are generated in the body by the lack of release of forgiveness.
Anxiety Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, worry or discomfort and is a normal human experience. It is also present in a wide range of psychiatric disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias. Although these diseases are different from each other, they all present anxiety and dysfunction specifically related to anxiety and fear.
Dysthymia – (lack of motivation, low self-esteem, laziness)
Anguish – (emptiness of soul, deep inner despair, loneliness)
Depression – Depression includes a feeling of sadness (or, in children and adolescents, irritability) and/or loss of interest in activities. In major depressive disorder, these symptoms last for two weeks or more and interfere with functioning or cause significant distress. Symptoms may follow a recent loss or other sad event, but it is disproportionate to the event and persists beyond the appropriate time. Mood dysregulation disorder involves persistent irritability and frequent episodes of behavior that is excessively out of control.
Oppression – (lack of reaction, imprisonment, closed vision, slavery, obsession
Paranoia – (mania for grandeur, mania for persecution, selfishness and self-centeredness)
Panic SyndromePanic –syndrome consists of recurrent panic attacks that cause an excessive preoccupation with future attacks and/or behavior modifications to avoid situations that could trigger an attack.
Schizophrenia – Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality (psychosis), hallucinations (it is common to hear voices), false beliefs (delusions) , thought and anomalous behavior, reducing emotions demonstrations, decreased motivation, a worsening of mental function (cognition) and problems in daily performance, including the professional, social, relationships and self-care-.
Toc (obsessive compulsive disorder) – Slavery total mind through exaggerated repetitions and thoughts absolutely destroying the normal functions of the mind
Madness – (discount total control of activities: Active Mind, reason, memory, reasoning without synchronism, thoughts without connection)
Suicide – Suicidal behavior includes completed suicide and attempted suicide. Suicidal thoughts and plans are called suicidal ideation.
All of these are diseases that are generated in the human body when we are not emperors of forgiveness, that is, we turn our body into a sick body. Every day God invites us to be forgiveness releasers, but unfortunately our hearts have often found themselves hardened.
Human beings have unfortunately preferred to kill love to live with pain.
One day we were all in the condition of sinners and we needed God’s Forgiveness to reconcile us again with Him. Romans 3:23 – Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Only through Jesus Christ do we receive forgiveness and Jesus set an example that we must also forgive our brothers. Ephesians 4:32 – Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as God forgave you in Christ.
When we raise our hands to receive Jesus Christ as lord and savior of our lives, we become a new creature and begin to walk according to his will and his will. And it is God’s will that we come to be forgiveness releasers.
God wants us to come to observe Christ’s footsteps and to walk the same way he walked, forgiving our enemies and loving our neighbors.
Jesus Christ wants us to come to a pure heart filled with love, because love not only produces health for the body but also produces health for the soul. Unfortunately we will often be persecuted and even why not say cursed by certain people. Often being persecuted by someone saddens our hearts, but we have to know how to carry with us only feelings that are good for us.
From our mouths and our hearts only blessing words have to overflow, that is, we have to bless those who persecute us. Our word has power and when we cast a word of blessing on the life of a person who somehow haunts us or makes us sad, we change their story in the future.
If we curse our enemy, he will certainly continue to be worse than he is today, for only curse words are cast upon him. Romans 12:14 – Bless them that persecute you, bless, and curse not.
When we live according to God’s will, we become forgivers and blessed, regardless of whether someone does us good or bad. In our life we must filter what is good for us.
What makes us sick must be left on the road, as if we were walking with two bags, one with a bottom and the other without a bottom. In the bottom bag we keep everything that adds physical and spiritual health. In the bottomless bag we put everything that hurts us physically and spiritually, we get rid of all the negative charge, all hatred, all rancor and all sadness.
We must free up space in our body, mind and soul so that we can experience the benefits of living a healthy life that comes only through forgiveness. We should never carry with us feelings such as hurt, resentment, sadness, etc. People who carry these bad feelings live for them. They live with feelings of evil, sadness, resentment, trying to do harm to other people, because in their lives the scar of lack of release of forgiveness is carried.
Romans 12:19-21 – Beloved, never take revenge; let the wrath of God take care of it, for so says the Scriptures: “Vengeance is upon me, I will give them change, saith the Lord.”
On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, give him something to eat; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. By doing this, you will heap live embers on his head”.
Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.
God teaches us that revenge is up to him to carry out, that is, we understand that when we are hurt by words and attitudes and we deliver into God’s hands, he is the one who makes the judgment of this situation. Nothing goes unnoticed before God.
And God beholds us when we are offended, when our hearts are saddened. God teaches us that if our enemy is hungry we must give him food and drink. When we do this we heap live embers on our heads. We cannot allow evil to overcome our good attitudes, as good is infinitely greater and produces health for our body and also our soul.
Release forgiveness, release your body and heal your soul!
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Written by : Ministério Veredas Do IDE
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