Outline Topic: Preaching on “Dorcas: An Example of Service and Generosity”
Biblical Text Used: Acts 9:36-42
Outline Purpose: The purpose of this outline is to highlight Dorcas’ life and ministry as an inspiring example of service, generosity, and impact on the Christian community.
Introduction: Dorcas, a woman mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, is a notable example of someone whose life was marked by service and generosity. Today, let’s explore Dorcas’ story and the lessons we can learn from her life.
Central Theme: Dorcas – Modeling Christian Service and Generosity
I. The Ministry of Dorcas
- Her Identification as a Disciple : Acts 9:36
- The Sewing of Robes for the Needy : Acts 9:39
- His Dedication to Selfless Service : Titus 3:14
II. Dorcas’ Impact on the Community
- Community Cry After His Death : Acts 9:39
- Clothing as a Symbol of Affection and Care : 2 Corinthians 9:12
- The Importance of Leaving a Legacy of Kindness : Proverbs 11:25
III. The Prayer and Resurrection of Dorcas
- Peter’s Call to Prayer : Acts 9:40
- The Miracle of the Resurrection : Acts 9:41
- The Glory given to God : Acts 9:42
IV. Life Lessons from Dorcas
- The importance of serving those in need : Matthew 25:40
- Generosity as a demonstration of love : 1 John 3:17
- Leaving a positive impact on the community : Matthew 5:16
- Living for eternity : Colossians 3:2
V. Dorcas’ Inspiration for Our Lives
- Be a channel of blessings to others : Galatians 6:9-10
- Demonstrate practical love in actions : 1 John 3:18
- Leave a legacy of service and generosity : 1 Timothy 6:18
- Remember that God can do the impossible : Luke 18:27
Conclusion: Dorcas’ life reminds us of the transformative power of service and generosity. She left a profound impact on her community, and her example continues to inspire Christians to live lives of practical love and care for others. Let us follow her example, being instruments of blessings and love wherever we are.
When to Use This Outline: This preaching outline on Dorcas can be used in worship services, Bible studies, and women’s group meetings or church service groups. It is appropriate for any occasion when one wishes to emphasize the importance of Christian service and generosity, using Dorcas’ life as an inspiring example.