In this Bible study, we will dive deep into the moving story of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet with pure nard. This event, recorded in the Holy Scriptures, goes beyond a simple historical account; it is a powerful lesson about devotion, humility and love for Christ. Through this study, we will explore the spiritual meaning of this extraordinary act and the implications it has for our lives as followers of Christ.
John 12:3 (KJV) “Then Mary, taking a pound of pure nard balm, of great price, anointed Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the smell of the balm.”
This verse takes us to the heart of the story, where Mary demonstrates her devotion to Jesus by anointing him with a valuable perfume. The house is filled with the aroma of the balm, creating an environment full of spiritual meaning. This study will delve into every aspect of this event, from the meaning of the anointing to the disciples’ reactions, Jesus’ encouragement, the lesson of humble service, and the impact of the perfume of devotion. Let’s explore how we can apply these lessons to our own lives as we seek to be more passionate and humble disciples of Christ.
We invite you to embark on this journey of reflection and learning as we examine the story of Mary and the valuable teachings it contains. May this Bible study inspire us to love and worship Christ with a sincere heart and to live lives that exude the scent of devotion, positively impacting the world around us.
The Deep Meaning of the Anointing of Jesus by Mary
The anointing of Jesus by Mary with the perfume of pure spikenard is a deeply symbolic event in the Bible. Let’s deepen our understanding of the meaning behind this gesture of love and adoration by delving into its spiritual implications.
Mary chose a perfume of pure nard, a rare and valuable fragrance, to anoint Jesus’ feet. This choice was not accidental; she represents the purity of the love and devotion that Mary had for Christ. Spikenard is known for its lasting and penetrating aroma, which symbolizes the eternity of the relationship between Mary and Jesus. Thus, the choice of pure nard highlights the enduring nature of Mary’s love for her Lord.
John 12:3 (KJV) “Then Mary, taking a pound of pure nard balm, of great price, anointed Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the smell of the balm.”
Mary’s act of anointing Jesus’ feet also carries deep symbolism related to submission and acceptance of his role as Savior. In Jewish culture at the time, washing someone’s feet was a task performed by servants, demonstrating humility and respect. Mary not only anointed Jesus’ feet, but also wiped them with her hair, showing her willingness to serve the Messiah in an intimate and humble way. This reminds us of the importance of humility in our relationship with Christ, accepting Him as our Lord and Savior, willing to serve Him with all our heart.
Furthermore, the perfume that Mary poured over Jesus foreshadowed His death and burial. Jesus mentioned that she did it “for the day of my burial.” This prophetic act of Mary points to Christ’s imminent sacrifice on the cross, where He would be anointed to be the Redeemer of humanity. Jesus’ anointing with perfume thus becomes a symbol of spiritual preparation for Christ’s sacrifice, reminding us of the importance of the cross in our Christian faith.
Matthew 26:12 (NIV) “By pouring this perfume on my body, she did so in preparation for my burial.”
Furthermore, Jesus’ anointing by Mary is a notable example of prioritizing worship over the practical aspects of life. While Judas Iscariot and others criticized the supposed “waste” of the perfume, Jesus valued Mary’s action as a demonstration of true love. This reminds us that in our spiritual quest we must prioritize the worship of God and our relationship with Him over earthly concerns. Mary chose to worship Jesus rather than worry about the material value of perfume, teaching us the importance of investing our spiritual resources in the presence of God.
Matthew 6:33 (ARA) “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
This is undoubtedly a deeply significant episode in the Bible, full of spiritual symbolism. It represents Mary’s pure and eternal love for Christ, her humility in serving, and her understanding of Jesus’ imminent sacrifice on the cross. Furthermore, it teaches us the importance of prioritizing worship and our relationship with God over earthly concerns. May we, like Mary, learn from this passage and express our love and devotion to Jesus in deep and meaningful ways.
The Disciples’ Reaction
The disciples’ reaction to Mary’s act of anointing Jesus’ feet with the precious perfume of spikenard is a crucial element of this story and offers valuable insights for our spiritual understanding. Examining the disciples’ divergent reactions allows us to explore themes of judgment, generosity, and sincere motivations.
John 12:4-6 (NIV) “Then one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, the one who was going to betray him, said, ‘Why this waste? This perfume could have been sold for a good sum, and the money given to the poor.’ He didn’t say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; being the treasurer, he was stealing what was put there.”
The disciples’ initial reaction is personified by Judas Iscariot, who, upon witnessing Mary’s action, immediately expressed discontent, considering the anointing as a “waste”. Judas, however, was not truly concerned about the poor, as he claimed, but about his own greed. He was the group’s treasurer and was more concerned with the potential monetary value of the perfume than with the worship of Jesus.
This episode reminds us that hasty judgment and misevaluation of the actions of others can be motivated by selfish interests. Jesus calls us to examine our own hearts before judging others in order to ensure that our motivations are pure and aligned with His love.
Matthew 7:1-2 (ARA) “Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. Because with the criteria with which you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure with which you measure, it will also be measured to you.”
On the other hand, the disciples’ reaction also highlights the importance of generosity and genuine concern for those in need. Jude’s suggestion that the perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor raises a valid question about the responsible use of resources. However, as the text itself indicates, Judas’ motivation was greedy, not benevolent.
This passage encourages us to seek opportunities for generosity in our lives, but with sincere hearts devoid of selfishness. We must remember that the act of generosity that pleases God is not just the material offering, but also the willingness to give with a compassionate heart.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) “Each person should give as he has determined in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
The disciples’ reaction to Jesus’ anointing by Mary reminds us of the importance of examining our motivations, avoiding hasty judgments and seeking authentic generosity in our actions. We should learn from Judas’ unfounded criticism and instead follow the example of Mary, who demonstrated sincere love and devotion to Jesus.
Jesus’ Encouragement
The encouragement that Jesus offered in response to Mary’s anointing of his feet is a significant part of this biblical story. His response reveals his deep understanding of the spiritual significance of Mary’s act and offers us valuable lessons about the importance of sincere devotion and recognition of individual worth.
John 12:7 (NIV) “Jesus replied, ‘Leave her alone; she kept it for the day of my burial.’”
Jesus’ response is surprising, considering the disciples’ earlier criticism, especially Judas. He not only defended Mary, but also praised her actions, declaring that she had saved the perfume for her burial day. This reveals the depth of Jesus’ understanding of the spiritual purpose of Mary’s anointing.
Jesus recognized that Mary’s act was not a “waste,” as some had suggested, but an expression of genuine love and devotion. He valued Mary’s gesture as an early tribute to her imminent sacrifice on the cross. This teaches us that God deeply values our actions driven by love and sincere devotion, even when they may seem incomprehensible to others.
This passage also reminds us of the importance of recognizing the intrinsic value of each individual. Jesus not only praised Mary’s action, but also recognized her significant role in the spiritual preparation for His crucifixion. He valued Mary as a disciple and friend, highlighting that each person has a unique and important place in the kingdom of God, regardless of their origin or social position.
1 Corinthians 12:18 (NIV) “But in fact God arranged the members, placing each of them in the body according to his will.”
Jesus’ encouragement also reminds us that on our spiritual journey, we will sometimes face criticism and misunderstanding from others. However, just as Mary found acceptance and encouragement from Jesus, we can trust that God values and understands our sincere efforts to serve and worship Him.
Furthermore, Jesus’ recognition that Mary had saved the perfume for the day of His burial points to the importance of spiritual preparation in our lives. Just as Mary prepared something special for Jesus, we must also be spiritually prepared for the challenges and crucial moments of our journey with Christ.
2 Timothy 2:21 (NIV) “If anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Lord, equipped for every good work.”
Jesus’ encouragement at Mary’s anointing of His feet highlights the depth of His spiritual understanding, His value for sincere devotion, and His recognition of each person’s individual worth. This passage encourages us to continue in our spiritual endeavors, trusting in God’s love and acceptance, even when we face external criticism, and to be spiritually prepared for the crucial moments of our journey with Christ.
The Lesson in Humble Service
The lesson of humble service that we can extract from the episode in which Mary anoints Jesus’ feet is of profound importance and relevance for our spiritual life. In this context, Mary’s act not only demonstrates sincere devotion, but also highlights the nature of Christian service and the humility that must accompany it.
John 13:14-15 (ARA) “Now if I, being the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, so that, as I have done to you, you should do the same.”
Jesus, the Son of God and supreme Teacher, offered an amazing example of humble service by washing the feet of His disciples. This act contrasted dramatically with the cultural expectation of the time, in which foot washing was a task assigned to slaves or servants. Jesus broke this cultural barrier to teach a profound lesson: the true leader is the one who serves.
Thus, the lesson of humble service begins with Jesus, who is the incarnation of divine humility. He reminds us that, as his followers, we must be willing to serve one another with love and humility, regardless of our position or social status.
Philippians 2:5-7 (NIV) “Have the same mindset among yourselves as was in Christ Jesus, who, although he was God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped; but he emptied himself, becoming a servant, being born in the likeness of men.”
The lesson of humble service also teaches us the importance of putting the interests of others before our own. Mary not only anointed Jesus’ feet, but also wiped them with her hair. This intimate gesture demonstrated her willingness to submit and serve Jesus in a profound way. He reminds us that genuine service is not just about outward actions, but about a heart attitude that puts others first.
Philippians 2:3-4 (ARA) “Do nothing out of partisanship or vainglory, but out of humility, considering others better than yourself. Let each one not set his sights on what is his own, but rather on what belongs to others.”
Furthermore, the lesson of humble service also highlights the need to serve joyfully and without expecting earthly recognition or reward. Mary would not anoint Jesus’ feet expecting praise; she did it out of love and devotion. Likewise, we must serve with a grateful and joyful heart, knowing that God sees and values our actions.
Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV) “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the reward of the inheritance from the Lord. It is Christ the Lord you are serving.”
The lesson of humble service that we learn from Mary’s act of anointing Jesus’ feet reminds us of the importance of following the example of Christ, who served with humility and love. We must be willing to serve one another with humility, putting the interests of others before our own, and do so with joy and gratitude, without seeking praise or earthly rewards. In this way, we can reflect the character of Christ in our lives and positively impact the world around us.
The Perfume of Devotion
The perfume of devotion, present in the story of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet with pure nard, is a rich symbolism that carries profound spiritual implications. This aspect of the narrative not only intensifies the meaning of the story, but also offers us precious lessons about how our devotion to God can impact our environment and witness His grace to others.
John 12:3 (KJV) “Then Mary, taking a pound of pure nard balm, of great price, anointed Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the smell of the balm.”
The perfume of pure nard that Mary chose to anoint Jesus’ feet was of great value, not only monetary but also symbolic. Spikenard, known for its persistent and pleasant aroma, is often associated with purity and devotion. It symbolizes the spiritual fragrance of our worship of God, which must be continuous and lasting, permeating our lives and the environment around us.
Just as Mary’s perfume filled the house with her precious aroma, our devotion to God must transcend the walls of our churches and reach every place where we live and interact. Our worship of God should be as contagious as the scent of spikenard, inspiring others to draw closer to and know Christ
2 Corinthians 2:15 “For we are the good odor of Christ to God, in those who are saved and in those who are lost.”
This verse highlights how our lives, saturated with devotion and love for God, can become a fragrant testimony of the gospel of Christ. Just as Mary filled the house with the scent of balm, our lives can fill our environment with the love, grace, and truth of Jesus, drawing others to knowledge and salvation through him.
The scent of devotion also reminds us that our worship of God must be authentic and full of love. Mary chose pure nard, the best she had, to express her love for Jesus. Likewise, our devotion to God must be sincere, devoid of hypocrisy or selfish motives. God values the quality of our worship more than the quantity of our resources.
Matthew 22:37 (ARA) “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
The perfume of devotion, represented by Mary’s choice to anoint Jesus’ feet with pure nard, teaches us to worship God in an authentic and continuous way, to impact our environment with the spiritual fragrance of our love for Christ, and to value the quality of our devotion more than the amount of our resources.
Conclusion: An Act of Love and Worship
As we come to the conclusion of this Bible study on Mary anointing Jesus’ feet, it is imperative that we reflect on the profound spiritual lessons this story offers us. Mary’s act was not just a historic event, but a moving demonstration of love and adoration for Christ that continues to resonate in our hearts and minds.
John 12:3 (KJV) “Then Mary, taking a pound of pure nard balm, of great price, anointed Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the smell of the balm.”
Mary’s act of anointing Jesus’ feet with pure nard reminds us that our devotion to God must be expressed with deep love and reverence. Just as Mary chose the best perfume for Christ, we are challenged to offer our best to God, not only in terms of material goods, but also in our worship, service and relationship with Him.
The event also calls us to examine our own hearts and motivations. While some, like Jude, may criticize our actions, God values sincere devotion and love in our actions. We must, therefore, serve God with a sincere heart motivated by love, regardless of the opinion of others.
Jesus’ reaction to Mary’s anointing teaches us that He deeply understands our acts of love and worship, even when others may not fully understand. He values humble service and sincere devotion, recognizing the spiritual meaning behind our actions.
Finally, the story encourages us to be a fragrant aroma of Christ to the world around us, just as the perfume of Mary filled the house. Our lives should reflect the love, grace, and truth of Jesus, drawing others to know and accept the salvation He offers.
In this study, we learn that Jesus’ anointing by Mary was not just a singular act, but a model of devotion, humility, and love for God. May we follow Mary’s example and serve Jesus with a grateful and reverent heart, expressing our love and adoration in deep and meaningful ways. May our lives become a testimony to the love of Christ, filling the world with the scent of divine grace.