Hebrews 11:1 The power of faith

Published On: 18 de December de 2021Categories: Bible Study

Faith! Such a small word, but with gigantic effectiveness, because faith is able to make impossible things happen. 

Through faith we see today, people being cured of illnesses, which in the eyes of medicine would be impossible. 

Faith has the power to transcend what is natural, that is, faith has the power to surpass limits, making everything that was from the invisible sphere visible.

(Hebrews 11:1) Now faith is the sure foundation of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.

Faith is the certainty of what we hope for and the proof of the things we don’t see yet. And it was precisely through faith that our brothers in the past received good testimonies, and that reverberate until today.

The Christian is able to understand, that the entire universe was made by the word of God, and when we look at the gallery of the heroes of faith and see the power of faith that is generated in a person’s life, to accomplish extraordinary things.

What faith has the power to do in a person’s life

By faith, Abel presented God with a sacrifice superior to that of Cain. With that, he showed that he was a righteous man, and God approved his offerings. And even after a long time even though he was dead, he still speaks to this day through his example.

By faith Enoch was taken to heaven without seeing death; “he disappeared because God took him to himself”. Because, before being taken, he was known to please God.

These and many others are examples of what faith is capable of doing in a person’s life, we can mention several illustrious people of faith such as Abraham, Sarah, Noah, among many others, who through their faith, even after they are dead they speak to this day.

Now without faith it is impossible to please him; because it is necessary that he who comes to God should believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

This verse makes clear the need to draw closer to God, believing that he exists and that he is ready to serve anyone who seeks him with all their heart. It is impossible to be able to please God if there is no true faith.

Faith consists in obeying God’s will for our lives. Noah through faith builds a vessel, which would save his family from the flood. Noah is an example of obedience and faith, because God had warned him about things that had never before happened on earth, and by faith, God in that scenario, condemned the rest of the world and received the righteousness that comes through faith.

Many times God will speak to us extraordinary things, which have never happened before and it is at this point that we have to put faith into action, that is, trust completely in God and in his purposes.

Faith accompanied by works

But someone will say: You have faith, and I have works; show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. (James 2:18)

The Bible teaches us that faith must be accompanied by works, the two must go hand in hand. In a more didactic way and for everyone to understand. 

Imagine that we are going to talk about God on a cold and rainy night, to a homeless person, this is faith. Since we need to fulfill this whole verse which is faith plus works, and what is the work at this time we already use the faith that is to talk about Jesus, but now we need this cold and rainy night, literally shelter and shelter those who are in the open .

Above we understand that faith and works have to walk together, because we know that those who are in the world, need to know the Lord Jesus Christ, but our works must also be manifested in their lives.

Works without faith are dead works, and faith without work is dead faith. True faith is always manifested in obedience to God and compassionate acts toward those in need. Faith generates within human beings obedience because we believe in God, and only those who believe in God can actually obey Him.

You see that faith worked with their works, and that by works faith was made perfect. (James 2:22)

We understand that James is not saying that faith and works save us, as that would be like separating faith from works. Thiago argues just the opposite, he argues about faith in action. Faith and works can never be separated since works come naturally from Faith.

For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value; but the faith that works by love. (Galatians 5:6)

The Bible teaches us that a person is saved by faith: That is, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for everyone and on everyone who believes; because there is no difference. (Romans 3:22)

Paul accurately describes the nature of that faith. This faith is a living faith in a living Saviour; a faith that is so vital that it cannot fail to express without acts motivated by love.

Faith that fails to love and obey Christ, loses genuine interest in the work of God’s Kingdom, and clearly fails to resist sin and the world is not saving faith.

Knowing that the test of your faith works patience. (James 1:3)

When our faith is tried, endurance has the opportunity to grow. In the race of Faith, the Christian will always be tried by God. The Christian who trusts completely in God remains persevering and facing the deserts of the Christian walk.

I have told you this, that you may have peace in me; in the world you will have afflictions, but be of good cheer, I have conquered the world. (John 16:33)

In this world we will face many afflictions, but Jesus teaches us that only in Him will we find true peace. The Lord himself encourages us when he says: “Be of good courage, I have conquered the world.” 

The Lord Jesus teaches us that, just as he renounced sin and lives a life in obedience to God the Father, we can also live in a life of faith and obedience to God. And just as he won, we will also be able to win the world.

Faith is within each one of us, the more we are intimate with God, the more we allow Him to be master of our hearts, certainly many supernatural things will manifest through the power of faith.

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Written by : Ministério Veredas Do IDE

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