Matthew 28:19-20: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Published On: 2 de July de 2023Categories: Bible Study

In this study, we will explore the responsibility of the worker in evangelism. The Bible teaches us that the proclamation of the gospel is an essential task for those who serve God in ministry. As workers, we are called to share the love of Christ, bringing the good news of salvation to all peoples and nations. Evangelism is the practical expression of God’s love in action, bringing the life-changing message of the gospel to all who need to hear it.

Evangelization plays a very important role in the purpose and mission of the church, unfolding in an untransferable commitment to fulfill the Great Commission established by Jesus Christ to His disciples. It is relevant to highlight the striking words uttered by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”In this context, an unquestionable order is clearly visualized, urging us to spread the gospel in all corners, providing all people with the unique opportunity to know the fullness of salvation provided through Christ.

Through the fervent practice of evangelization, we are graced with the sublime opportunity to impact lives, taking with it a transforming and encouraging message, full of hope and redemption in Jesus Christ. It is worth highlighting that evangelization transcends the borders of a mere option, unfurling itself as an essential responsibility that demands an intrepid commitment and tireless devotion. It is the tangible manifestation of our obedience to the divine call, as well as the tangible embodiment of our dedication to sharing the Creator’s ineffable love with a world that lies in the darkness of sin and longs for the liberating light.

In Romans 10:14-15, Paul reminds us that for someone to call on the name of the Lord, they must hear about Him, and in order for them to hear, there must be preachers who proclaim this message. This indisputable truth reinforces the imperative of evangelization as the primary channel for spreading knowledge and salvation.

Therefore, by actively engaging in the work of evangelization, embracing this noble mission with fervor and diligence, we will be actively participating in the divine purpose of reconciling man with God. We will thus be responding to the call of the Great Commission, and contributing so that more and more lives are rescued from darkness and led to the wonderful light of the gospel. In a world marked by challenges and needs, evangelization becomes the solid foundation and the message of hope that is so essential for the transformation of humanity.

The Worker’s Attitude in Evangelization

Furthermore, evangelization plays a vital role in promoting justice and peace in the world. By carrying the message of reconciliation and redemption, we are agents of social transformation, seeking to fight inequalities, oppression and injustice that permeate our society. The gospel is not only a spiritual message, but also a call to action, to defend the rights of the oppressed, to seek equality and to promote love of neighbor.

However, it is important to remember that evangelism is not just about words, it is also about witness. It is through our daily actions, our character, and our practical love that we demonstrate the truth and power of the gospel. It is necessary to live according to the teachings of Christ, being living examples of God’s love for all human beings.

Evangelizing with our witness is a powerful and effective way to share the love of Christ with the world around us. In Hebrews 12:1 it says, “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us cast off every obstacle and the sin that so closely surrounds us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. ,” In this verse we are invited to reflect on the importance of putting aside everything that prevents us from living a life that glorifies God. We are encouraged to forsake not only the glaring sins but also the encumbrances that envelop us and distract us from the divine purpose in our lives.

When we get rid of these burdens, we are able to run with patience the race proposed to us. This means that as we live according to Christ’s teachings and are transformed by his love and grace, we are called to be a living example of the transforming power of the gospel. Our life becomes an authentic and powerful witness, capable of reaching and touching the hearts of those who observe us.

Evangelizing with our witness implies living coherently with what we believe, in all spheres of our lives. It’s showing the character of Christ through our words, attitudes, relationships and daily choices. It’s demonstrating the love, compassion, humility, and integrity that we find in Jesus.

As we witness with our lives, we are communicating a silent but powerful message. We are sharing the gospel without having to utter a single word. The people around us can observe the difference that Christ makes in us, and this awakens curiosity, awakens the desire to know more about the faith we profess.

However, evangelizing with our witness also requires patience and perseverance. Sometimes the results are not immediate and visible. We may encounter resistance, misunderstanding or even rejection. But even in the face of these difficulties, we are called to continue the race, trusting in God’s power to act in people’s hearts.

While the task of evangelizing may seem daunting, we must remember that we are not alone. The Holy Ghost is our helper and enabler, guiding and empowering us to accomplish this mission. We can rely on his wisdom and guidance to share the gospel effectively and relevantly, adapting to the different cultures and contexts in which we live.

Therefore, evangelism is a sacred calling and responsibility that all Christians must embrace. We must not overlook the importance of this mandate and the urgency of bringing the message of salvation to all peoples. Every individual who finds God’s love through evangelism has the potential to become an agent of change in their community and beyond.

Preparation and Training for Evangelization

The effectiveness of the worker in the task of evangelization is also closely related to his preparation and training. In order to proclaim the gospel accurately and relevantly, it is imperative to dedicate yourself to the diligent study of the Holy Scriptures, deepening your knowledge of the Word of God and understanding the message of salvation in all its fullness. In this sense, we are led to reflect on the wise words of the apostle Paul, which we find in 2 Timothy 2:15: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, who correctly handles the word of true.”

The in-depth study of the Scriptures enables us to respond in an informed and coherent way to the questions and challenges that may arise during the evangelistic process. Such commitment gives us the confidence and assurance necessary to share the gospel message clearly and effectively. In addition, it is essential to seek constant training and guidance from the Holy Spirit, who, by dwelling in us, empowers and guides us to be authentic and impactful witnesses of Christ. According to the Savior’s own words, recorded in Acts 1:8: “But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Ghost hath come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of from the earth.”

Therefore, as we strive to seek a deeper knowledge of the Scriptures and be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we will be strengthening our testimonies and becoming effective instruments in the spread of the gospel. Empowerment through study and the action of the Holy Spirit enables us to communicate the message of salvation with wisdom, discernment and empathy, reaching the hearts and minds of those who seek the truth.

Thus, effective evangelism requires not only a willingness to share the gospel, but also a constant pursuit of spiritual growth and intellectual preparation. As we delve deeper into God’s Word and surrender to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will be empowered to fulfill the mission of bringing Christ’s love, grace and hope to all peoples, transforming lives and expanding the Kingdom of God.

Living as Witnesses

In addition to verbally sharing the gospel, it is important for the worker to live as an authentic witness of Christ, exemplifying in his life the values ​​and principles of the Kingdom of God. Through our attitudes and conduct, we can draw others to know the love and grace of Jesus. We are called to be light and salt in this world, exerting a positive influence on those around us.

In the book of Matthew 5:16, Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” This passage shows us that when we live according to the teachings of Christ, we are able to witness to the world the transforming power of the gospel. Our life becomes an effective instrument of evangelization, opening doors to share the message of salvation with those around us.

However, we must remember that being an authentic witness for Christ does not mean that we will be perfect or faultless. As human beings, we are subject to making mistakes and facing challenges, but it is important to recognize our weaknesses and seek God’s mercy and forgiveness. It is through our dependence on God and his power that we are enabled to live according to Kingdom principles.

While it is necessary to share the gospel verbally, our actions speak louder than empty words. It is through an authentic lifestyle consistent with what we believe that we can truly impact the people around us. When our character reflects the transformation that Christ wrought in us, it arouses curiosity and interest in those who do not yet know the liberating truth of the gospel.

It is also important to highlight that Christian witness is not limited to our individual behavior, but also extends to the relationships we build with others. We are to be kind, compassionate, and loving, seeking to love our neighbors as ourselves. Love is a powerful evangelistic tool, because when people witness genuine and selfless love in our lives, they are touched and drawn to the source of that love, which is Jesus.

Therefore, as gospel workers, we have a responsibility to live as authentic witnesses for Christ, reflecting His love and grace in our daily lives. May we be a light in this world, positively influencing those around us and opening doors to share the message of salvation with everyone we meet along the way.

The Power of Prayer in Evangelization

In addition to immersing ourselves in the profound study of the Holy Scriptures, careful preparation and authentic living of faith, it is essential to recognize the vital role that prayer plays in the process of evangelization. Through it, we seek divine guidance, pleading with God for wisdom, insight, and opportunities to proclaim the good news of the gospel. The practice of prayer strengthens our connection with the Creator and enables us to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, who guides us in every step of this mission.

In the inspiring words of the apostle Paul, we find powerful encouragement to seek intercession through prayer. In Colossians 4:3 he exhorts us, “Pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ” . In this verse, we are invited to unite our voices in prayer, raising petitions to God on behalf of those who have not yet experienced redemption in Christ. Furthermore, through this fellowship with the Father, we plead with Him to open doors of opportunity for us to share the life-changing message of the gospel everywhere and with everyone.

Prayer, therefore, is not just a spiritual exercise, but a powerful tool that connects us to the heart of God and involves us in His divine plans. It is through her that we express our total dependence on the heavenly Father and recognize that, although we have the task of announcing the gospel, it is He who opens doors and prepares hearts to receive the Word. Our supplications, made with humility and reverence, have the potential to transform lives and lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

In the journey of evangelization, it is essential to remember that prayer is not a substitute for action, but an indispensable complement. As we give ourselves over to the ministry of prayer, we are moved to act on the divine answers we receive. Prayer equips us with the courage and confidence to share the gospel, knowing that God is working supernaturally and opening doors that no one can close.

Therefore, let us not underestimate the power of prayer in the work of evangelism. As we throw ourselves into fervent prayer, however, we must also be willing to act in accordance with God’s leading and be alert to the opportunities He gives us. Just as Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 9:38, “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest,” we are called to be diligent and persevering in both prayer and action, confident that God will enable and lead us through each step of the evangelistic process. The Importance of Evangelization

Evangelization plays a fundamental role in fulfilling the divine purpose established for the Earth. She goes beyond a simple task, being a supreme expression of God’s love and mercy. By wanting all human beings to be reconciled with Him, the Creator manifests His patience and longsuffering, as revealed to us in 2 Peter 3:9: “The Lord is not slack about his promise, though some count slackness; yet he is longsuffering toward you, not wanting some to perish, but all to come to repentance.”

In this lofty context, we as human beings are entrusted with the sacred trust to share the gospel with a lost world. The privilege of being Christ’s witnesses comes with an immense responsibility. We are called by Jesus to be active instruments in spreading the saving message to all people, as recorded in Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

The grandeur of this call transcends the mere notion of a task to be mechanically accomplished. As we assume the role of messengers of the gospel, we are called to reflect divine love in our actions and words in order to draw thirsty hearts into the compassionate embrace of our Heavenly Father. However, it is important to recognize that each person has their own unique and individual faith journey. Not everyone will be receptive to the gospel message at the same time or in the same way. Some may have a suspicious or resistant perspective, while others may be open and ready to receive life-changing truth.

It is, therefore, essential that we approach evangelism with an attitude of humility, understanding that our role is not to force, judge or condemn, but to sow seeds of hope and understanding. It is up to us to share the gospel in a loving, patient and respectful way, allowing the Holy Spirit to work in people’s hearts according to time and divine will. It is a journey of faith and trust, knowing that the seed sown may take time to germinate and bear fruit, but trusting that God’s work will manifest itself in due time.

May we, therefore, embrace with gratitude and dedication the sublime mission of evangelization, recognizing its importance and relevance for God’s work on Earth. May we be willing to be instruments of divine grace, spreading the message of salvation and hope to all those who cross our path, manifesting God’s love in every word and action. May, through our faithfulness and commitment, we be true ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven, positively influencing the world with the light of the gospel.

The Approach to Evangelization

Evangelization is a task that requires a wise and sensitive approach, taking into account the different people and cultures we wish to reach. In this sense, we can learn from Paulo’s example, which shows us how to adapt to the target audience in an effective and relevant way. In 1 Corinthians 9:22b , Paul tells us: “To the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I made myself everything for everyone, in order to save some by all means.” This statement encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and commit ourselves to understanding the people we want to reach in order to communicate the gospel message in a meaningful and accessible way.

However, it is important to stress that even as we seek to adapt to people, we must never compromise the truth of the gospel. God’s Word is unchanging and eternal, and we must preserve its integrity. Paul emphasizes this in 2 Timothy 4:2, when he exhorts Timothy to proclaim the Word tirelessly: “Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine.” In this passage, it is clear that we are to proclaim the gospel message with zeal, regardless of circumstances, and remain faithful to the teachings and principles set forth in the Scriptures.

In summary, effective evangelism requires a wise and sensitive approach that takes into account the particularities of each person and culture. We must strive to understand our target audience by adapting the gospel message in relevant ways without compromising the truth of Scripture. At the same time, we must be willing to proclaim God’s Word tirelessly, regardless of circumstances, and be prepared to answer questions and concerns with gentleness and fear. This balanced approach will help us to be effective in spreading the transforming message of the gospel.

The Example of Jesus in Evangelization

Jesus is the supreme example of a worker dedicated to evangelization. His approach to people was marked by deep compassion, in which he drew close to them, identifying with their pains and afflictions. His compassion was so intense that it drove him to heal the sick, no matter how serious the illness, bringing relief and hope to those in need. 

In addition, Jesus also provided for the physical needs of those around him. He performed miracles by multiplying bread and fish to feed the hungry, demonstrating that his concern was not restricted to the spiritual aspect, but also to people’s material well-being. In this way, He showed that evangelization is not limited to verbal proclamation, but involves concrete actions of love and care for others.

Through parables, Jesus used stories as pedagogical resources to convey deep spiritual teachings. These parables were symbolic narratives that contained life lessons, revealing spiritual truths in an accessible and impactful way. Jesus, with His infinite wisdom, knew that the parables touched people’s hearts, awakening in them reflections and revelations about the Kingdom of God.

The strategies adopted by Jesus in His ministry reveal His mastery in reaching different audiences. He understood that each person is unique and has specific circumstances and needs. In this way, he adapted His message according to the context, using different approaches to connect with people more effectively.

However, the greatest teaching Jesus left was His unconditional love. He loved everyone, regardless of their ethnic, social or religious background. His love transcended barriers and prejudices, welcoming everyone without restriction. This love, based on grace and mercy, is what transforms lives and opens the way to reconciliation with God.

In the verse of Luke 19:10 , Jesus clearly expresses the purpose of His coming to Earth: to seek and save those who were lost. This is the essence of evangelization, the invitation for everyone to reconcile with God and find abundant and eternal life through Jesus Christ. Amidst the darkness of sin and separation from God, Jesus is the light that brings salvation and hope to all who receive Him with an open heart.

Thus, we can learn from Jesus’ example how to be workers in evangelism. As we follow in his footsteps, we will be driven by love and compassion, seeking to reach people wholeheartedly, meeting their spiritual and material needs. Using creativity and adapting our message to each person’s context, we will be able to convey eternal truths in a relevant and impactful way. May we be faithful followers of Jesus, imitating His example

Every Believer’s Responsibility in Evangelization

While there are individuals devoted specifically to full-time ministry, it is important to emphasize that the task of sharing the gospel is not limited to them alone. Every believer has a responsibility to be a witness for Christ in their circle of influence, which allows us to impact lives in surprising ways.

The power to make a difference in someone’s life is in our hands when we show unconditional love, genuine compassion and share the hope we find in Jesus. At times, it may seem that only full-time ministers have the ability to positively impact people, but this idea is far from the truth. Every individual has the potential to be an agent of change, regardless of their position or role in society.

In the book of 1 Peter 3:15, we find an inspiring exhortation that encourages us to always be prepared to answer the questions of those who seek to understand the reason for our hope. Peter reminds us that we must sanctify Christ in our hearts, acknowledging him as Lord, and be ready to share, with gentleness and awe, why our hope is so profound and life-changing.

This biblical passage leads us to reflect on the importance of cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus, because it is through this relationship that we find the strength and conviction to testify of His love and His grace. When we connect with Christ on an intimate level, our lives are transformed and the hope we have becomes a source of inspiration for those around us.

Therefore, it is critical that each of us take responsibility for sharing the gospel, regardless of our vocation or position in the church. Every interaction, every encounter, and every opportunity we have to demonstrate Christ’s love is precious and can be used by God to change lives. May we be faithful to the call to be Christ’s witnesses in all that we do, and may our hope and joy in Jesus be a bright light in this world, bringing hope and salvation to all around us.

Prayer as the Foundation of Evangelization

Prayer plays a crucial and irreplaceable role in the work of evangelization. It transcends earthly barriers and connects us directly with the divine. It is through prayer that we seek God’s guidance, place our concerns and concerns before Him, plead for opportunities to witness, and earnestly intercede for souls who have not yet been privileged to know salvation in Christ.

Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians 6:18, admonishes us, “With all prayer and supplication, praying at all times in the Spirit, and to this end being watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” This call urges us to maintain constant communion with God, to give our hearts to Him in prayer, not just in times of distress or need, but as a way of life, an attitude of deep dependence and trust in the heavenly Father.

Prayer is not a mere ritual or empty formula of words. She is the vital link between our limited humanity and the infinite power of the Creator. When we prostrate ourselves in prayer, we humbly recognize that we are fragile and in need of divine grace. It is at this time that we are renewed in our faith and strengthened in our Christian walk. Prayer takes us to a deeper level of intimacy with God, where we are shaped in the image of his Son and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a life that reflects the glory of the Lord.

Furthermore, when we pray, we are aware that it is not we, with our persuasive words or eloquent arguments, who convince someone to surrender to Christ. We recognize that it is the Holy Spirit who works in people’s hearts, bringing conviction, enlightening minds and transforming lives. We become mere instruments in God’s hands, ready to share the gospel message with love, humility and grace, but always aware that it is the power of God that brings salvation.

Therefore, prayer becomes not only an act of communication with the heavenly Father, but also a powerful means of preparing ourselves for service in God’s Kingdom. As we stand before Him in prayer, we are endowed with His authority and direction, empowered to face the challenges and adversities that may arise in our evangelistic journey. May our prayer life be constant, fervent and aligned with the will of God, so that we may boldly and effectively fulfill the call to proclaim the good news of salvation to all peoples, always seeking the glory of the Lord in all things.


The worker’s responsibility in evangelism is a crucial task in fulfilling the Great Commission. As followers of Christ, we are called to share the gospel with love, humility and compassion. We must seek empowerment and preparation by diligently studying God’s Word and seeking the power of the Holy Spirit.

May we live as authentic witnesses for Christ in all areas of our lives, reflecting His light and love to those around us. And may prayer be a constant practice in our ministry of evangelization, seeking God’s direction and power to reach lives and transform communities.

Let us remember the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:9: “For we are God’s fellow workers; ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” As workers, we have the privilege and responsibility of being laborers together with God in the work of evangelism. May we be faithful to that calling, proclaiming the gospel and leading lives to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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Written by : Ministério Veredas Do IDE

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