The book of Ezekiel is a very important book of the Bible, because it talks about the restoration of the people of Israel. However, the book is also important for Christians, as it contains many prophecies that were fulfilled in the emergence and ministry of Jesus Christ.
However, the book of Ezekiel is also important for Christians, as it contains many prophecies that were fulfilled in the emergence and ministry of Jesus Christ. In addition, the book contains many important teachings about God’s will for his people.
Therefore, the book of Ezekiel is a very important book for both Christians and Jews, as it contains many teachings and prophecies.
Ezekiel 37:1-14 is known as the “Valley Of Dry Bones”. In this passage, God calls Ezekiel to prophesy about the dry bones in the field. The prophet Ezekiel received a vision from the Lord in which he saw a valley full of dry bones. God asked Ezekiel if the bones could live again and Ezekiel replied that only God could know. God then told Ezekiel to prophesy over the bones and the bones came together, formed skeletons, and then were clothed with flesh and skin. God then breathed spirit into the bones and they lived.
Ezekiel 37:1,2 – The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of a valley that was full of bones.
And made me pass around them; and, behold, they were very many upon the face of the valley, and, behold, they were very dry.
The bones that Ezekiel saw represented the nation of Israel, which was spiritually dry and dead. Ezekiel’s vision represents the restoration of the people of Israel. God promises that He will bring the Israelites back to their land and that He will restore their nation. God is able to do the impossible and bring the dead to life. This vision shows the hope that God gives to his people and their faithfulness to his promise.
The people of Israel were going through a very difficult time. They had been exiled from their land and were living among heathen nations. They were suffering and appeared to be spiritually dead. But God had not abandoned them. He had a plan to restore his nation and to bring them back to their land.
God then asks Ezekiel to prophesy about the bones and say that they would live again.
Ezekiel 37:4-6 – Then he said to me, Prophesy about these bones, and say to them, Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.
Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: Behold, I will cause the spirit to enter you, and you shall live.
And I will put sinews upon you, and I will make flesh grow upon you, and I will spread skin upon you, and I will put a spirit in you, and ye shall live, and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
The Lord is showing Ezekiel that the nation of Israel is spiritually dry and dead. God wants to show Ezekiel that He is powerful enough to make dry bones come back to life. God wants Ezekiel to prophesy about dry bones to show His powerful ability to restore life.
God wanted Israel to repent of their rebellion and return to Him. God promised to restore Israel to life and make them a new army. God wants his people to live and have an abundant life. He wants his people to be a light to the nations and to bear witness to his faithfulness. God wants his people to be a sign of his goodness and mercy.
The people of Israel needed to understand that their restoration would not come through military force or human cunning, but through God’s faithfulness to his word. God is faithful to his promises and He keeps what He promises. God wants his people to trust him and to hope in his faithfulness.
Ezekiel 37:1-14 specifically talks about the restoration of the people of Israel.
Ezekiel 37:1: Ezekiel sees a pile of dry bones. This represents the state of the people of Israel at that time. They were completely destroyed and hopeless.
Ezekiel 37:2: God asks Ezekiel if bones can live again. To human eyes it was clear that it wasn’t, but God wants Ezekiel to be sure of that before showing him what is going to happen.
Ezekiel 37:3: God causes a spirit to breathe on the bones and they begin to come together again. This represents the restoration of the people of Israel. God will gather his people and give them new life.
Ezekiel 37:4: Dry bones represent death and the word of the Lord represents life. God is saying that He can give life to the spiritually dead and calls them to repent and be saved. This represents the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. God will restore his kingdom and give them new life.
Ezekiel 37:5: God tells Ezekiel that the spirit will come upon the bones and they will begin to live again. This represents the restoration of the spirit of the people of Israel. God will restore your spirit and give you new life.
Ezekiel 37:6: God tells Ezekiel that he will put the spirit within him and they will live again. This represents the restoration of the people of Israel. God will put his spirit within them and give them new life.
Ezekiel 37:7: He prophesied that the dry bones of the people of Israel would unite and become a victorious army. When the bones came together, Ezekiel prophesied that they would be filled with spirit and come back to life.
Ezekiel 37:8: God tells Ezekiel that he will put flesh on bones and skin on flesh. This represents the restoration of the people of Israel. God will cover his people with his grace and love and give them new life.
Ezekiel 37:9: God tells Ezekiel that he will breathe a spirit into the bones and they will live again. This represents the restoration of the people of Israel. God will breathe his spirit into them and give them new life.
Ezekiel 37:10: God tells Ezekiel that he must speak to the bones and tell them that they will live again. This represents the restoration of the people of Israel. God wants Ezekiel to proclaim his message of restoration to his people and give them new life.
Ezekiel 37:11: Upon hearing Ezekiel’s prophecy, the Israelites recognized that their situation was hopeless. They were dry, and they had nothing left to live for. This represents the restoration of the people of Israel. God will gather his people and give them new life.
Ezekiel 37:12-14: This verse talks about the restoration of the people of Israel. God promises that he will open the people’s graves and bring them back to the land of Israel. This promise of restoration is a sign of hope for the people of Israel, who suffered greatly at the hands of their enemies. God shows that he is faithful to his promises and that his people can trust him. This represents the restoration of the people of Israel. God will raise up his people and give them new life. God tells Ezekiel that the bones will begin to join together and form an army. This represents the restoration of the people of Israel.
God wants Ezekiel to proclaim this message of restoration to his people. The Lord wanted his God to want his people to live in communion with him and to be a sign of his glory to the nations. God wants his people to be instruments of his peace and justice. God wants his people to be a sign of his grace and mercy.
God is calling his people to new life. God is calling his people to a life of faithfulness and obedience. God is calling his people to a life of love and service. God is calling his people to a life of hope and joy.
Ezekiel 37:1-14 teaches us that God wants his people to live and to bear witness to his faithfulness. God wants his people to be a sign of his goodness and mercy, and to be a light to the nations.
This verse is a great promise for the people of Israel and for all who hope in the restoration of the kingdom of God.
God is true to his word and he will fulfill his promise to restore his people and his kingdom.
God wants his people to live, walk in the light and be a light to the nations.