Ephesians 5:33 – What does the Bible say about marriage and family?

Published On: 20 de December de 2021Categories: Bible Study

Sometimes we wonder in front of so much advice that the Holy Bible has to give us. What does the bible say about marriage and family? The answer is that the bible says wonderful things about marriage and family. Through this Bible study on family we will be able to understand that in marriage and in the family true love must be present.

(Ephesians 5:33) However, each of you should also love his wife as he loves himself, and a wife should respect her husband. 

Family is something so interesting, because through it we can see the great love that God has for the family. God leaves for us the model of how the family should be and tells us of its greatness. The word of God teaches us what the real value of the family is, values ​​that must never be erased or modified, because the family is perfect.

(Genesis 2:18-24) And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a suitable helper for him.

When the Lord God had formed out of the earth, every beast of the field, and every bird of the air, he brought them to Adam, to see what he would call them; and whatever Adam called every living soul, that was his name.

And Adam named all the cattle, and the fowl of the air, and every beast of the field; but for the man she did not find herself a suitable helper.

Then the Lord God caused a heavy sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed the flesh in its place;

And from the rib that the Lord God took of the man, he formed a woman, and brought her to Adam.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called woman, because from man she was taken.

Therefore he will leave a man, his father and his mother, and cling to his wife, and they will both be one flesh.

It is impossible to talk about family without talking about marriage, and it is impossible to talk about marriage without talking about family. According to the A dictionary refers to the group of people who have a degree of kinship or affective ties and live in the same house, forming a home. Another thing that we must highlight here is the pillar of the family, which is love. According to the Dictionary Love is a feeling of affection and demonstration of affection that develops between beings who have the capacity to show it.

The family must be based on love, as it is the central basis for the family’s existence. And the bible teaches us how we should take care of our family in every way.


1 Corinthians 13:4-8 – Love is suffering, it is kind; love is not envious; love does not treat itself lightly, does not puff itself up.

He doesn’t behave indecency, doesn’t look for his interests, doesn’t get irritated, doesn’t suspect badly;

Do not rejoice in injustice, but rejoice in the truth;

Everything suffers, everything believes, everything waits, everything supports.

The love never fails; but if there are prophecies, they will be annihilated; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is science, it will disappear;

Love is suffering

When the bible tells us that love is suffering it does not mean that love is suffering, but on the contrary it is saying that true love bears suffering. The only perfect love is the love of God, and it is this love that we must take as an example. We are well aware that any marriage and any family is liable to go through hardships, hardships that create pain, but the family love remains intact. 

The representation of this “suffering” love is in the vows of marriage where it is said: “I promise to be with you in joy and sadness, in health and illness, in wealth and poverty, loving you, respecting you and being you faithful all the days of my life, until death do us part.”

Have you noticed that everything said above is followed by “joys” but also by “sufferings”? The “suffering” love remains intact when the financial life is good and intact when the financial life is bad, it remains intact when we are employed, going to the best restaurants, and it remains intact when a simple cake has the same joy as a restaurant. Because life is like the stock exchange charts, today we are in green, tomorrow in red, that is, the “suffering” love is discreet in the calm and alive in the scarcity.  

Love is kind; love is not envious

Those who love God want to see the good of their spouse, they want to love their family, and they only want and do good. In this there are no ulterior motives and bad intentions behind benign love. The true love that is described here, ignores envy. 

Envy is a strong and bad feeling, that a person has to want to possess what belongs to others. It is a selfish feeling on the part of someone, any and all actions that originate from love are good and true, and it is never intended to hurt another person.

Love does not deal lightly, is not puffed up

Whoever loves, is neither foolish nor impulsive. Whoever loves does not treat the other with arrogance, because love brings with it meekness, patience and kindness.

Do not behave indecency, do not pursue your interests

Love is cautious and knows the limits of decency. There is no selfishness in true love, on the contrary; whoever loves cares about the well-being and happiness of the loved one instead of yours. 

Don’t get angry, don’t suspect badly; Don’t rejoice in injustice, but rejoice in the truth

Love is calm, understanding, and never aggressive. Love is not jealous, because trust is part of its “structure”. He is always ready to listen and understand; not to fight and condemn. It is always sincere and fair and seeks sincerity and justice.

Everything suffers, everything believes, everything waits, everything supports

When we talk about love in the family we are saying that there will be pain, there will be difficulty and there will be waiting. But there will also be strength, there will be patience and there will be reward. 

When we return to our anchor text in Ephesians, we are able to extract more information about love within the family.

(Ephesians 5:33) However, each of you should also love his wife as he loves himself, and a wife should respect her husband.

In the verse above we have something that we must highlight here, which is Love and Respect. 

Like our Lord Jesus Christ, he loved his wife (Church) in such a way as to give his life for her. In the same way, God expects us to take care of our wife, in such a way that we will come if necessary to lay down our lives for her.

God places the man as “the head of the woman” This was the responsibility that God assigned to the man, but here we can describe Four Pillars that must be present in the family.

  1. It is provision for the family’s spiritual and domestic needs. 
  2. Love, protection, security, and concern for their well-being, just as Christ loves the third church. 
  3. Honor understanding, appreciation and consideration for the wife.
  4. Total loyalty and fidelity in the married life

Ephesians 5:28,29 – So husbands must love their own wives, as their own bodies. Whoever loves his wife, loves himself.

Because no one has ever hated their own flesh; rather it feeds and sustains her, as does the Lord to the church;

Based on the above verses we reach the question for our reflection: do you love yourself? 

And maybe you’re wondering, why is knowing that I love myself so important to my marriage or my family? The answer is simple, as it is impossible for someone who does not love himself to truly love another person. Those who don’t love themselves always put their desires first.

Have you noticed that if you don’t love yourself, for example, if she has a bad financial life, she won’t encourage her spouse to have a better financial life. Anyone who does not love himself will not encourage another to move forward, as he is not capable of stimulating himself.

For this reason it is important that we come to love ourselves so that we can love our family.

The greatest model of family love is that of Jesus for the church, a love that puts its interests aside, that deprives itself of its glory and comfort, to give its own life in favor of his wife.

Respect, love for the husband is automatically generated in the wife, as the church recognizes the act of love that her beloved husband performed.

When we, regardless of how many years we’ve been married, or how many children we have, stop and recognize where we’re going wrong and act differently, marriage wins, finally the family wins.

(Genesis 2:18-24) And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a suitable helper for him.

When the Lord God had formed out of the earth, every beast of the field, and every bird of the air, he brought them to Adam, to see what he would call them; and whatever Adam called every living soul, that was his name.

And Adam named all the cattle, and the fowl of the air, and every beast of the field; but for the man she did not find herself a suitable helper.

Then the Lord God caused a heavy sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed the flesh in its place;

And from the rib that the Lord God took of the man, he formed a woman, and brought her to Adam.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called woman, because from man she was taken.

Therefore he will leave a man, his father and his mother, and cling to his wife, and they will both be one flesh.

It is impossible to talk about family without talking about marriage, and it is impossible to talk about marriage without talking about family. According to the A dictionary refers to the group of people who have a degree of kinship or affective ties and live in the same house, forming a home. Another thing that we must highlight here is the pillar of the family, which is love. According to the Dictionary Love is a feeling of affection and demonstration of affection that develops between beings who have the capacity to show it.

The family must be based on love, as it is the central basis for the family’s existence. And the bible teaches us how we should take care of our family in every way.


1 Corinthians 13:4-8 – Love is suffering, it is kind; love is not envious; love does not treat itself lightly, does not puff itself up.

He doesn’t behave indecency, doesn’t look for his interests, doesn’t get irritated, doesn’t suspect badly;

Do not rejoice in injustice, but rejoice in the truth;

Everything suffers, everything believes, everything waits, everything supports.

The love never fails; but if there are prophecies, they will be annihilated; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is science, it will disappear;

Love is suffering

When the bible tells us that love is suffering it does not mean that love is suffering, but on the contrary it is saying that true love bears suffering. The only perfect love is the love of God, and it is this love that we must take as an example. We are well aware that any marriage and any family is liable to go through hardships, hardships that create pain, but the family love remains intact. 

The representation of this “suffering” love is in the vows of marriage where it is said: “I promise to be with you in joy and sadness, in health and illness, in wealth and poverty, loving you, respecting you and being you faithful all the days of my life, until death do us part.”

Have you noticed that everything said above is followed by “joys” but also by “sufferings”? The “suffering” love remains intact when the financial life is good and intact when the financial life is bad, it remains intact when we are employed, going to the best restaurants, and it remains intact when a simple cake has the same joy as a restaurant. Because life is like the stock exchange charts, today we are in green, tomorrow in red, that is, the “suffering” love is discreet in the calm and alive in the scarcity.  

Love is kind; love is not envious

Those who love God want to see the good of their spouse, they want to love their family, and they only want and do good. In this there are no ulterior motives and bad intentions behind benign love. The true love that is described here, ignores envy. 

Envy is a strong and bad feeling, that a person has to want to possess what belongs to others. It is a selfish feeling on the part of someone, any and all actions that originate from love are good and true, and it is never intended to hurt another person.

Love does not deal lightly, is not puffed up

Whoever loves, is neither foolish nor impulsive. Whoever loves does not treat the other with arrogance, because love brings with it meekness, patience and kindness.

Do not behave indecency, do not pursue your interests

Love is cautious and knows the limits of decency. There is no selfishness in true love, on the contrary; whoever loves cares about the well-being and happiness of the loved one instead of yours. 

Don’t get angry, don’t suspect badly; Don’t rejoice in injustice, but rejoice in the truth

Love is calm, understanding, and never aggressive. Love is not jealous, because trust is part of its “structure”. He is always ready to listen and understand; not to fight and condemn. It is always sincere and fair and seeks sincerity and justice.

Everything suffers, everything believes, everything waits, everything supports

When we talk about love in the family we are saying that there will be pain, there will be difficulty and there will be waiting. But there will also be strength, there will be patience and there will be reward. 

When we return to our anchor text in Ephesians, we are able to extract more information about love within the family.

(Ephesians 5:33) However, each of you should also love his wife as he loves himself, and a wife should respect her husband.

In the verse above we have something that we must highlight here, which is Love and Respect. 

Like our Lord Jesus Christ, he loved his wife (Church) in such a way as to give his life for her. In the same way, God expects us to take care of our wife, in such a way that we will come if necessary to lay down our lives for her.

God places the man as “the head of the woman” This was the responsibility that God assigned to the man, but here we can describe Four Pillars that must be present in the family.

  1. It is provision for the family’s spiritual and domestic needs. 
  2. Love, protection, security, and concern for their well-being, just as Christ loves the third church. 
  3. Honor understanding, appreciation and consideration for the wife.
  4. Total loyalty and fidelity in the married life

Ephesians 5:28,29 – So husbands must love their own wives, as their own bodies. Whoever loves his wife, loves himself.

Because no one has ever hated their own flesh; rather it feeds and sustains her, as does the Lord to the church;

Based on the above verses we reach the question for our reflection: do you love yourself? 

And maybe you’re wondering, why is knowing that I love myself so important to my marriage or my family? The answer is simple, as it is impossible for someone who does not love himself to truly love another person. Those who don’t love themselves always put their desires first.

Have you noticed that if you don’t love yourself, for example, if she has a bad financial life, she won’t encourage her spouse to have a better financial life. Anyone who does not love himself will not encourage another to move forward, as he is not capable of stimulating himself.

For this reason it is important that we come to love ourselves so that we can love our family.

The greatest model of family love is that of Jesus for the church, a love that puts its interests aside, that deprives itself of its glory and comfort, to give its own life in favor of his wife.

Respect, love for the husband is automatically generated in the wife, as the church recognizes the act of love that her beloved husband performed.

When we, regardless of how many years we’ve been married, or how many children we have, stop and recognize where we’re going wrong and act differently, marriage wins, finally the family wins.

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Written by : Ministério Veredas Do IDE

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