What is your calling? Ebook

Published On: 1 de January de 2022Categories: Bible Study, Our E-books

What is your calling?

The LORD has anointed me to preach good news

Presbyter Allan luiz



Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit!

I thank God first, for having the privilege of making this dream come true at my 24 years of age, being able to write this first book of many to come, talking about the greatness of God, his power and his wonders. Many who are reading this Ebook right now don’t know me. My name is Allan Luiz, I’m 24 years old and by the grace of God I’m a Presbyter in the house of the Lord in the Assembly of God. I just have to thank God, because one day when I was 15 to 16 years old, the Lord also called me and I promptly answered. I thank God for being able to fulfill the call. In the course of this, many difficulties and struggles have been encountered until now, but as the apostle Paul says: “For whose cause I suffer also this, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed, and I am sure that he is able to keep my deposit until that day” (2 Timothy 1:12). I can say with complete propriety that it was worth it, giving up plans, projects and dreams for the call of God. In the What’s Your Calling ebook? We will address key points so that we can understand our calling and so that we can be blessed. If God is calling you to a work, be it for any work inside the church or outside it, accept it to clean the church, take care of a group, evangelize, deliver a word, an opportunity, even to read a verse, take over a ministry or praying for someone just accept it. Never look at the struggles that will arise, but look at the Lord Jesus he is greater than all difficulties. Look around you, how many wanted to do God’s call and can’t, but God’s good, this opportunity for us to be able to do God’s call and will. Certainly God will greatly honor us on this journey.

May this book be a blessing on your life!


Table of Contents


5 Preaching the Gospel to the Poor, the Lowly and the Afflicted…………………………… . 

6 Heal the spiritually and physically sick and broken.…………………………….. 

10 Break the shackles of evil and proclaim deliverance from sin and evil dominion……………………………………… ……………………………………………

13 Open the spiritual eyes of the lost to see the light of the gospel and be targeted……………………………………………………… … … …………

16 the rejection of the price of a call …………………………………… .. …………

19 unique examples of God to make a call to the man ……… ……….. 


Have you ever stopped to wonder what God’s calling is for your life? We all have a call from God on our lives, but it’s not always easy to understand what God has for us. In this reading we will understand about the call of God. Right now, reflect and ask yourself: What is my calling?

The meaning of the word called is to be invited, chosen or assigned to something. When we talk about a call from God, we are talking about being chosen, invited, and set apart for such a noble mission.

The main point is the identification of our calling. Isaiah Chap 61:1-3 speaks properly and teaches us to identify our calling.

Isaiah 61:1-3 – The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; for the LORD hath anointed me to preach good news to the meek; sent me to restore the contrite in heart, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of prison to the prisoners; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all the mourners; To command the mourners of Zion to give them glory instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of sorrow, the garment of praise instead of a anguished spirit; that they may be called trees of righteousness, plantings of the Lord, that he may be glorified.

For the fulfillment of the call of God in our lives, it is necessary for us to be attentive to some points that the word of God has to show us. We all have a calling regardless of whether or not we belong to a ministry position.

We clearly understand that Isaiah was describing the Messiah and his anointing is related to his mission. We understand that this anointed ministry included:

1. Preaching the Gospel to the poor, the lowly and the afflicted;

1. Heal the spiritually and physically sick and broken;

2. Break the shackles of evil and proclaim deliverance from sin and evil dominion;

3. Open the spiritual eyes of the unsaved to see the light of the gospel and be saved.

This fourfold purpose described above characterized the ministry of Jesus Christ and will continue to be fulfilled by the church while it is on earth.

Preaching the Gospel to the Poor, the Lowly and the Afflicted

1. Preaching the Gospel to the poor, the lowly and the afflicted;

Matthew 28:19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We can place it here as one of the first and greatest calls from God to us. It is to fulfill the ide, preach the gospel, to everyone who does not yet have the full knowledge of the truth, take the gospel to those people who are far from the way of the Lord, take the gospel to those people who have never been in the ways of the Lord, take the gospel to every creature regardless of where he is or how he is.

Our goal is to take the gospel to everyone and say that Jesus Christ heals, saves, frees, renews and takes to heaven.

We must tirelessly preach what Jesus clearly said in the scriptures: “Jesus said unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, except through me” (John 14:6).

The poor, the humble and the afflicted are important to God and He is counting on every instrument to fulfill His calling, which is to carry the gospel to these lives that find themselves without any hope, without expectations and even thinking that God is forgot about them.

There are people who are at this time in the same way as the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17). She was totally without expectations, she had only a few goals which were to get the sticks, flour, oil, bake a cake, eat and die.

The widow in that situation could be with her faith shaken, but God was taking care of her cause, God was sending a prophet named Elijah.

In the verses of (1 Kings 17:1-7) we will see that Elijah prophesies to Ahab that there would be no rain on the earth for three and a half years.

The people at that time believed that Baal controlled the rain, so if it rained the people thought that Baal had sent rain, due to the rain if the harvest was good, the people attributed to Baal the good harvest.

Elijah seeing this bothered, Elijah now the prophetess that there would be no rain for three and a half years. The lord now sends Elijah and to the stream of Cherith that was in front of the Jordan, there he would have water from the stream and would be supported by ravens. Elijah heard the voice of God and obeyed, and because it did not rain on the earth during this period, the brook Kerite also came to dry up. You now command Elijah to go to Zarephath which was from Sidon, because there was a widow there who would go down in the story of God’s miracle.

What God shows us in this wonderful passage is that when we are willing to fight for God’s causes, accept the fulfillment of God’s call and do what is right, God takes care of us in every area.

When we are willing to accept the call, God provides the sustenance for our lives, He will not let us lack absolutely anything.

Nowadays it is no different, because God wants that through our call, we can be blessings in the lives of other people, in the lives of those who find themselves without a perspective of tomorrow, in the lives of those who are afflicted by situations that arose . God has called you to preach the gospel to these people because they are so important to God.

When we understand that our calling, regardless of ministerial position or rank, is to fulfill the Lord’s ide, to announce and bring the gospel to every creature, we begin to enter into God’s purposes, we begin to enter into the essence of the Father, we begin to enter into God’s will . We start to form disciples for God’s house, we start to announce the greatness of God, in a totally supernatural way, and the more we get involved in the work of God, the more we get involved in preaching this gospel, new experiences are added in our lives, more power and faith is added upon us, but the working of the Holy Spirit is added upon our lives.

We go on making disciples, teaching and showing the true way to the gospel of Christ. When we are concerned about teaching and forming new disciples, we are fulfilling our calling which is: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19 ).

We fulfill our ideology, when we preach in the streets, in points, in bars, in alleys, alleys and so on. Don’t stop preaching the Gospel, maybe you’re saying, but I don’t know how to preach. The greatest preaching is summarized in Jesus Christ healing saves delivers and takes to heaven. Jesus is the only way, and the truth and the life; no one goes to the Father except through Jesus (John 14:6). Don’t worry about pretty words, just open your mouth, let God’s holy spirit speak. “And the Lord stretched out his hand, and touched my mouth; and the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth” (Jeremiah 1:9). To Moses the Lord said, “Go now, and I will be with your mouth, and teach you what thou shalt speak” (Exodus 4:12). From the moment we let the spirit of God take our lips the simplest word, the experience will be more unforgettable and impactful, both in our lives and in the lives of those who listen to us.

To let the Holy Spirit speak, it is totally simple, it is simply to have a life of prayer, consecration, fasting, reading the word and intimacy with God. When we put this complete package together and seek God with all our heart, when we speak Lord, I am entirely dependent on You for the fulfillment of Your calling in my life. God will open the windows of heaven, strengthen you and help you.

On this journey the Lord is speaking to us “For I, the Lord your God, take you by your right hand; and I say to you, Fear not, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13). The more intimacy with the Holy Spirit, the more you search, certainly more power will survive your life, therefore your call will be marked by the power and Glory of God, great experiences we live when we become totally dependent on God.

Heal the spiritual and physically sick and broken

2. Heal the spiritual and physically sick and broken;

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received it for free; also give for free.”

We were called, to see operations of Miracles, operations that are performed through the Holy Spirit of God. God’s holy spirit gives us gifts of healing, raising the dead, lepers being healed, casting out demons, and so on. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, that he that believeth in me shall also do the works that I do, and shall do greater than these, for I go unto my Father” (John 14:12). Everything we receive from God is to be used, not for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others. The Lord Jesus will tell us that whatever we ask in His name He will do “And whatever you ask in my name I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14:13,14). When we pray in faith and ask the Lord Jesus to come in with His intervention, deliverance, healing and transformation, the miracle will surely happen. When we put faith in the Lord Jesus, whatever we ask in His name, He will do it.

In order for us to reach such a realization and see miracles happening, it is necessary that we come to love the Lord above all things, to love our neighbors, to keep the commandments and laws of the Lord.

The gifts that God is giving are not for your own benefit, but for the benefit of others.

The Holy Spirit already dwells in our lives, from the day we raised our hands to Jesus. He is the one who anointed us to evangelize the poor, and heal the broken in heart. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, For he has anointed me to evangelize the poor. He sent me to heal the broken in heart (Luke 4:18).

When we exercise God’s will in our lives, becoming entirely dependent on Him, when we let Him guide our being and believe in His power, we will see the workings of miracles.

For the miracle to happen, it is necessary that we use the Faith, as it is the basis of everything in the Christian life. “Now faith is the sure foundation of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen”(Hebrews 11:1). When we use faith, we are sure of what we hope for and proof of what we have not yet seen, but we know it will happen.

The moment we pray for a sick person, we are sure of healing and we have proof of what we have not yet seen, but we know it will happen. We are putting our faith into action, fully believing in the power, glory and action of God. Believing that in that moment of intercession, God is listening and working according to his will and his will.

Without faith it is impossible to see miracles working, people being healed, that is, it is impossible to see the power and glory of God being manifested. “Without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

In order for us to have unshakable faith, it is necessary for us to do as the word of God says. (Hebrews 11:6) Believing in the Lord, His power, His existence, and approaching Him day by day. Practicing fasting, prayer, reading the word and a life of consecration.

There are at this very moment, people who are sick physically, spiritually, people who are broken, broken, without strength. Perhaps the only word they heard is that it’s hopeless, but God with his infinite grace and mercy has given us the call to see the sick, healed, lives being transformed and restructured.

Breaking the shackles of evil and proclaiming deliverance from sin and evil dominion

3. Breaking the shackles of evil and proclaiming deliverance from sin and evil dominion

Where there is the work of the Holy Spirit, there is liberation, renewal, spiritual strengthening, transformation, change of life and character. When we let God’s spirit act fully, He brings deliverance in the lives of those around us. “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17). We understand that we are called to promote the release of those who are captive, powerless, discouraged, oppressed and burdened by evil forces. The call is to minister the gospel with total boldness breaking the shackles of evil by proclaiming deliverance from Sin and deliverance from the evil dominion. Bringing people to know the truths of the gospel, to want to live a life within the will and will of God. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). When we fulfill our call to break the shackles of evil, we proclaim deliverance from sin and evil dominion. We are abolishing and destroying all “power” of spiritual slavery in a person’s life, this slavery can be seen or caused by numerous circumstances such as demonic performances, secret people, illnesses, problems and desires or by using things out of control.

The time for us to preach deliverance, minister healing and transformation is today. The word of God will tell us that “While it is day, we need to do the work of him who sent me. Night draws near when no one can work” (John 9:4). We understand that “day” is referring to life, and “night” is referring to death. The being called man only lives once in this world, we only have one opportunity to experience the impossible of God.

If we don’t do what we should and what God has prepared for us, we certainly won’t have another opportunity. We must use our calling to do God’s will and help our neighbors.

We must be prepared to proclaim deliverance from sin and evil dominion.

We see Jesus healing a lunatic and we can extract important things so that we can be successful in the moment of deliverance.

Jesus rebuked the devil; this one left the boy and, from that moment, he was cured. Then the disciples approached Jesus in private and asked, “Why can’t we cast him out?” He replied, “Because your faith is small. I assure you that if you have faith the size of a grain of mustard, they can say to this mountain, ‘Go from here to there,’ and it will go. Nothing will be impossible for them. But this species only goes out by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:14-21).

Jesus simply rebukes the devil and the boy is healed. The disciples come to the Lord Jesus in private and begin to ask why they had not been able to cast out that devil.

Jesus will say that the disciples’ faith at that time was small. “ Because your faith is small.” (Matthew 17:20). You will encourage us by saying, “I assure you that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Go from here to there,’ and it will. Nothing will be impossible for them” (Matthew 17:20). In order to see liberation happen in a person’s life, it is necessary that we come to use our faith.

If we don’t have faith, it will become impossible for us to see miracles, life transformations, deliverances, healings and so on. For liberation in general to happen, it is necessary that faith is in the heart, because it is no use going to the battlefield without faith.

We have to enter the battlefield already victorious, already decreeing our victory, we cannot enter defeated, that is, without faith.

This mighty faith that moves mountains, works miracles, heals and accomplishes great things, is called genuine faith and it is what will produce results in our lives and throughout our lives.

That faith is not simply a belief, it is not simply a belief, but that faith is a strength, power is the result of more and more faith, more intimacy with God.

This faith we are talking about is generated by the power of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life, it is generated entirely by the Holy Spirit, and we human beings are not able to produce this faith through our minds, but only by the power of the Holy Spirit of God , it is a gift in which Christ communicates in our hearts, but it is necessary that we come to have an intimate life of consecration, reading the word, fasting, constant searching, pouring ourselves out on the altar of the Lord.

We must begin a constant search for intimacy with Christ as he is the author and finisher of our faith. “Ikeep an eye single to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith”(Hebrews 12:2). This faith that God is placing on our calling, in no way should it be used for our own benefit, in no way should this faith be used for selfish gain, but it should be used for the fulfillment of God’s will and will, through our lives.

Open the spiritual eyes of the lost to see the light of the gospel and be saved.

4. Open the spiritual eyes of the lost to see the light of the gospel and be saved.

How many people are in our neighborhood, city or nation right now? We reflect on how many people live on the streets, find themselves sleeping under a marquee, under bridges, find themselves just needing a friendly word, needing only to hear that someone loves them. Just needing to hear that they are also important to God, how many people find themselves just needing to hear that Jesus can change their lives.

This is our calling! Bring the word of life to these people, lead them to call on the name of the Lord, because they will also be saved, we have to lead them to believe and trust in Jesus Christ. “And whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21). Our call is to bring these people, words led by the Holy Spirit, to tell them that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And he is the only path that leads to life change. “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me” (John 14:6) We need to announce that Jesus is the only one who can lead us to salvation and to heaven. it will make it impossible to get a regenerated life. We have to proclaim this dependence on God, we have to prove that Jesus is the only one who can grant deliverance.

When we get involved in this gospel we are fully willing to pay whatever price it takes. When we are fully willing to see lives being transformed, restored, set free, opening spiritual eyes and leading them to see and live the true light of the gospel and seek salvation. God in his infinite grace assures us. “Remember this: Who converts a sinner from the error of his way, he will save that person’s life, and he will make many sins forgiven.” (James 5:20) When we are used by the Holy Spirit and a sinner is converted from his mistakes and evil ways, we are saving that life and a multitude of sins are forgiven us. We understand that every time we work for God, He works for us. Every time we become dependent on God He takes care of us. When we answer our call he will surely honor us, bless us, keep us and deliver us so that we can fulfill our calling.

Bringing the gospel to these lost lives is not an easy task, but Jesus assures us that he is with us.“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All power is given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to keep all the things I have commanded you; and, behold, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world. Amen”I am with you every day, until the end of the world. Amen” 20). This is the guarantee of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself for each one who is committed to fulfilling his calling, winning the lost, teaching the way, truth and standards of righteousness by which the Lord Jesus Christ wants man to live.

The Lord Jesus, takes care of each one of us personally, he is with each one of us right now, in the person of the Holy Spirit of God and through his word.

We often ask ourselves about our condition to fulfill our call, but no matter the condition, we can be weak, poor, humble, unimportant, without visibility and even without recognition, yet God takes care of each one of us. He sees every struggle, every trial of life with care, and grants us enough grace to win. He will grant us victory until the end of our journey. “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me gently to still waters” (Psalm 23:1,2).

The Lord will never miss what is necessary to carry out His will, but it is necessary that we come to be content with the provision and care of God. Even in the difficult times that we will encounter along the way to minister this gospel, we have to believe and trust in the love and care that God has for us. The Holy Spirit is our comforter, counselor and helper and that is why we have to live a life of intense communion with him, that is, to be totally dependent on him each day and seek his face.

It is a joint work, where we minister, but who convinces man is the Holy Spirit. “Nevertheless I tell you the truth, that it is expedient for you that I go; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come to you; but when I go I will send it to you. And when he comes, heconvict the world of sin, and of righteousnessand of judgment “(JJn 16: 7-8). A tract that is given, a word that is spoken, a testimony that will be given, can convert a life.

To the full length of God’s call on our lives, we understand that our call is to preach the good news of the gospel, to take the word to the poor, the lowly and the afflicted. Our call is to heal the spiritually and physically sick and the broken, break the shackles of evil, proclaim deliverance from sin and evil dominion, and open the spiritual eyes of the lost so that they too may behold and live in light of the gospel and achieve salvation.

Regardless of whether we participate in a ministerial position or not. God has already left an established calling for each of us. “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). No matter how many lives we reach, what matters is that we fulfill the lord’s ide. We cannot look at the circumstances, we just look at the target that is Jesus. We must do the Lord’s will while it is day, for when night will surely come, we will have no other opportunity. The time to minister is today, the time to see lives being changed is now. The Holy Spirit of God is releasing his gifts into our lives and he wants us to be a channel of blessing to other people’s lives.

The price of refusing a call.

5. The price of refusing a call.

We must never refuse the call that God has given to each one of us, because if he has called and summons us, it is because he knows that we are capable of fulfilling this so noble mission.

Jonah paid a high price for not obeying the call of God, for he told the Lord to Jonah.“Andcame the word of the LORD unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh and cry against it; for their wickednesscome up before me” (Jonah 1: 1-2) . Jonah had been called by God to minister to the Ninevites about the Divine judgment that was to come as a result of their sins and as we know Nineveh was the capital of Syria, a wicked, immoral and cruel nation.

Jonah gets up and instead of fulfilling his call he flees from the presence of the Lord and goes to Tarshish. “But Jonah arose to flee from the presence of the Lord to Tarshish. And going down to Joppa, he found a ship going to Tarshish; therefore he paid his way, and went down into him, to go with them to Tarshish, far from the presence of the Lord” (Jonah 1:3). Jonah’s goal was to flee from the presence of the Lord, and he simply resolved to flee the call God had for him. Jonah refused to take God’s message to the Ninevites.

God then begins to work making Jonah enter into his will and his will. Every time we try to run from God’s call, he makes us go into a process that is often painful. “But the Lord sent a great wind out to sea, and there was a mighty storm on the sea, and the ship was about to break” (Jonah 1:4). The storm that arose in Jonah’s life and that has also arisen in the lives of so many others who put themselves like Jonah, actually is to make these people come to obey God’s will and fulfill their calling.

When Jonah disobeys God, at that moment by his disobedience, Jonah puts at risk not only his life, but all those around him. Those sailors were in danger because of a disobedience. When we Christians do not consecrate our lives to God, we do not fulfill his will, his will and his calling, our family, relatives and friends around us may suffer a lot, as happened to the sailors.

God sends a great wind to the sea, causing a mighty storm to form. Fear gripped the sailors who were on that vessel and each one cried out to his God. “Then the sailors feared, and cried every one to his god, and they cast the loads that were in the ship into the sea, to relieve her of her weight; But Jonah went down to the hold of the ship, and when he lay down he slept a deep sleep” (Jonah 1:5). While those sailors were with their lives in danger Jonah was sleeping. These days it is no different, as there are many believers, servants of God, who are asleep, carefree, accommodated forgetting that right now there are lives around them that are perishing, being imprisoned by evil, are descending into the grave without knowing the name of the Lord Jesus. There is no way we can refuse our call, for every time we refuse, lives perish in the midst of life’s storms.

Jonah recognized that storm arose because he did not obey God’s command, now asks that he be cast into the sea. “And they said to him, What shall we do to thee, that the sea may be calm? Because the sea was becoming more and more stormy. And he said unto them, Lift me up, and cast me into the sea, and the sea shall be quiet for you; for I know that because of me this great storm has come to you” (Jonah 1:11,12). Jonas now felt guilty for putting these sailors’ lives in danger. He felt guilty for having disobeyed the will of God he was willing at that moment to die to save those sailors.

God in his infinite grace and mercy teaches us that even if we come to disobey his will and his will, we go through a process, but he leads us to the length of his will.

God sent a big fish and Jonah spent three days inside the belly of that big fish. Jonas estava vivo através de um milagre divino. Dentro do ventre do grande peixe, Jonas clama ao Senhor e a sua oração foi ouvida.

A misericórdia do Senhor poupou a vida de Jonas. “ As misericórdias do Senhor são a causa de não sermos consumidos, porque as suas misericórdias não têm fim” (Lamentações 3:22). Jonas tinha total certeza que estava no ventre do grande peixe por ter sido desobediente, Ele relata sua maior tristeza. “E eu disse: Lançado estou de diante dos teus olhos; todavia tornarei a ver o teu santo templo” (Jonas 2:4). Esse deve ser o nosso temor nos dias de hoje, devemos temer sermos banidos da presença de Deus por não cumprir o nosso chamado.

Mas à frente vemos que depois de todo o processo Jonas em fim chega a cidade de Nínive. Ele começa agora a obedecer o chamado de Deus e ministra palavra de juízo, os ninivitas aceitaram a mensagem de Jonas.

Os ninivitas acreditaram que estavam condenados a menos que se arrependessem e para expressar o seu arrependimento e humildade, eles jejuaram vestido pano de saco, e devido o arrependimento dos ninivitas Deus suprimiu o juízo.

Deus não quer utilizar o castigo, pois o seu maior desejo é usar de misericórdia, mas toda vez que não obedecemos o chamado de Deus, passamos por processos semelhantes ao que Jonas passou. Quantos Jonas estão ao nosso redor passando por lutas, enfermidades e dificuldades por que não estão obedecendo o chamado de Deus?

Devemos deixar o Espírito Santo de Deus cumprir e nossas vidas, o seu chamado “Porém Samuel disse: Tem porventura o Senhor tanto prazer em holocaustos e sacrifícios, como em que se obedeça à palavra do Senhor? Eis que o obedecer é melhor do que o sacrificar; e o atender melhor é do que a gordura de carneiros” (1 Samuel 15:22). Quando nós entramos em obediência aqueles que estão ao nosso redor são abençoados, mas quando nós estamos na desobediência aqueles que estão ao nosso redor também pagarão um preço.

Deus tem feito um chamado para cada um de nós porque ele sabe que somos capazes de suportar. Se Deus tem nos confiado uma vida, um cargo ou até mesmo um ministério. Não devemos olhar para trás, jamais podemos olhar para as circunstâncias. “Jesus respondeu: Ninguém que põe a mão no arado e olha para trás é apto para o Reino de Deus” (Lucas 9:62). Que possamos olhar simplesmente para o alvo que é Cristo Jesus. A caminhada cristã tem inúmeras dificuldades e lutas, mas devemos olhar para o Senhor Jesus. “Levantarei os meus olhos para os montes, de onde vem o meu socorro. O meu socorro vem do Senhor que fez o céu e a terra” (Salmos 121:1,2). No momento em que se levantam as dificuldades para o cumprimento do nosso chamado, devemos olhar para o alvo que é Cristo Jesus.

Exemplos peculiares de Deus para fazer um chamado ao homem

6. Exemplos peculiares de Deus para fazer um chamado ao homem

Deus possui suas características peculiares para nos fazer um chamado para sua obra e agora falaremos a respeito de formas em que podemos ser chamado por Deus.

O senhor pode nos fazer um chamado íntimo ou direto. Este chamado é aquele a qual Deus implanta diretamente nos nossos corações, faz nascer um forte desejo que toca no íntimo. No momento em que recebemos o chamado simplesmente não conseguimos resistir e a nossa única opção é obedecer. Mateus teve um grande privilégio, pois recebeu do próprio Senhor Jesus um chamado direto. “E Jesus, passando adiante dali, viu assentado na alfândega um homem, chamado Mateus, e disse-lhe: Segue-me. E ele, levantando-se, o seguiu” (Mateus 9:9). Mateus no momento em que recebeu o chamado do Senhor Jesus, largou tudo e seguiu o mestre.

Em nossas vidas não é diferente, pois quando o Senhor nos chama é necessário que façamos como Mateus, levantarmos e cumprirmos a vontade de Deus. O nosso chamado exigirá que venhamos abrir mão de algumas coisas para o cumprimento da vontade de Deus. Jamais devemos olhar para a vida que temos, posses, financeiras, amigos, festas ou conforto, pois devemos olhar para o chamado de Deus em nossas vidas, sabendo que o mais importante, não é o que temos, pois o mais importante é o que Deus tem para realizar através de nós.

Mateus como cobrador de impostos, tinha uma vida financeira muito boa, uma vida estabilizada, tinha amigos, tinha o conforto da sua casa, mas quando ele recebeu chamado do próprio senhor Jesus ele abriu mão de tudo para seguir o chamado de Jesus.

O senhor também usa sua forma peculiar para fazer um chamado ao profeta Isaías. O profeta do senhor nos descreve com riquíssimos detalhes e diz “No ano em que morreu o rei Uzias, eu vi também ao Senhor assentado sobre um alto e sublime trono; e a cauda do seu manto enchia o templo” (Isaías 6:1).

O Profeta Isaías por meio desta chamada demonstra que compreendeu claramente o seu Chamado.

A visão que o profeta nos relata, revela pontos fundamentais no livro de Isaías em que se destacam com grande notoriedade a majestade, glória, e santidade do Senhor Deus todo poderoso.

Para o cumprimento do chamado de Deus em nossas vidas, o Senhor requer que sejamos santos como Ele é santo. Podemos observar que a reação de Isaías naquele momento foi o quebrantamento, confissão e, por fim, purificação gloriosa.

Isaías continua a descrever as coisas maravilhosas que ele ainda estava vendo. “Serafins estavam por cima dele; cada um tinha seis asas; com duas cobriam os seus rostos, e com duas cobriam os seus pés, e com duas voavam. E clamavam uns aos outros, dizendo: Santo, Santo, Santo é o Senhor dos Exércitos; toda a terra está cheia da sua glória” (Isaías 6:1-3). Podemos entender que o Senhor está enfatizando a necessidade de sermos como Ele é, ou seja, santo. Para que o nosso chamado venha se cumprir com êxito é necessário que venhamos, ter uma vida conforme a que Senhor revelou a Isaías, ou seja, devemos buscar vivenciar uma vida de pureza, caráter e de total separação do pecado e do mundo.

O Profeta Isaías nos ensina que quando recebemos um chamado da parte de Deus, devemos reconhecer as nossas imperfeições, impurezas e sobretudo nossas palavras. Isaías reconheceu além dos seus atos, ele reconheceu as consequências dos seus atos. Deus começa agora na vida de Isaías o trabalho de purificação. Deus purificou os lábios e o coração de Isaías, tornando-o apto para continuar na sua presença como servo e profeta do Senhor.

Quando se achegamos a Deus, precisamos buscar o seu perdão, e a purificação de nossas mentes e corações pelo poder do Espírito Santo de Deus. Após Isaias ser purificado ele é designado, ele nos ensina como devemos reagir mediante ao chamado de Deus para nossas vidas. “Depois disto ouvi a voz do Senhor, que dizia: A quem enviarei, e quem há de ir por nós? Então disse eu: Eis-me aqui, envia-me a mim” (Isaías 6:8). No momento que recebemos o chamado da parte de Deus, passa por nossa mente e milhares de coisas, mas Isaías nos mostra, o que devemos fazer e o que responder diante do chamado do Senhor. Devemos simplesmente dizer: Eis-me aqui, envia-me a mim.

Vemos também o profeta Ezequiel que foi chamado para ministrar num vale de ossos secos. “Veio sobre mim a mão do SENHOR, e ele me fez sair no Espírito do SENHOR, e me pôs no meio de um vale que estava cheio de ossos” (Ezequiel 37:1).

Ezequiel teve uma visão de um vale que só havia ossos secos e estes ossos representam “toda a casa de Israel”, tanto Israel como Judá, no exílio, deixaram suas esperanças perecer no meio dos pagãos. Deus agora começa a dialogar com Ezequiel no meio do vale de ossos. “E me disse: Filho do homem, porventura viverão estes ossos? E eu disse: Senhor DEUS, tu o sabes” (Ezequiel 37:3). No momento em que Deus começa a dialogar com Ezequiel, ele poderia simplesmente dizer, com certeza, mas pelo contrário. Ele apenas diz: Senhor Tu sabes.

Nos ensinando que quando recebemos um chamado da parte de Deus, nos tornamos cada vez mais dependentes Dele e de sua vontade. Não é o nosso querer que tem que prevalecer, mas sim o querer e vontade de Deus.

Ezequiel estava dizendo não é minha vontade, mas sim a tua que tem que prevalecer. O Senhor naquele exato momento dá uma ordem a Ezequiel para ele profetizar sobre o vale de ossos. “Então me disse: Profetiza sobre estes ossos, e dize-lhes: Ossos secos, ouvi a palavra do Senhor” (Ezequiel 37:4).

Tudo que Ezequiel realizou naquele momento foi segundo a palavra do Senhor, ou seja, quando estamos em total intimidade com Deus e profetizamos segundo a sua vontade tudo acontecerá e quanto mais se tornamos dependentes de Deus, os impossíveis do Senhor começam a acontecer.

Existem tantos outros exemplos que poderiam ser citados a respeito das maneiras peculiares de Deus nos fazer o seu chamado. Um desses exemplos é do apóstolo Paulo no caminho para Damasco. “E, indo no caminho, aconteceu que, chegando perto de Damasco, subitamente o cercou um resplendor de luz do céu. E, caindo em terra, ouviu uma voz que lhe dizia: Saulo, Saulo, por que me persegues?” (Atos 9:3,4).

Neste momento Saulo teve um encontro com Deus, e começou a cumprir o chamado de Deus para sua vida. Enfim existem inúmeras maneiras em que Deus, pode utilizar para nos chamar nos dias de hoje. Deus não mudou ele pode falar diretamente aos nossos corações, utilizar os seus servos para falar conosco e até mesmo ele pode nos dar visões e revelações.

São inúmeras formas de Deus revelar o seu chamado para nossas vidas, mas é necessário que venhamos estar em íntima ligação com o Espírito Santo de Deus e buscar a santidade. Antes de tudo sabemos que o nosso primeiro chamado, é o que está contido na palavra de Deus. “E disse-lhes: Ide por todo o mundo, pregai o evangelho a toda criatura” (Marcos 16:15). O Ide do Senhor para nós é o nosso primeiro chamado. Quanto mais nos envolvemos na obra de Deus, mais ele se revela nossas vidas, quanto mais intimidade nós temos com o Espírito Santo, mas ele se revela sobre nossas vidas, mas para isso temos que viver uma vida de oração, jejum, leitura da palavra e consagração. “Porque Deus é o que opera em vós tanto o querer como o efetuar, segundo a sua boa vontade” (Filipenses 2:13).

A graça de Deus opera em nossos corações, produzindo é nós tanto o desejo quanto o poder para cumprir o chamado de Deus. Sabemos que a obra de Deus dentro de nós não é de compulsão nem de graça irresistível. A obra e a Graça de Deus dentro de nós, sempre dependerá da nossa fidelidade e cooperação. Dependerá de sermos íntimos do Senhor e obedientes ao seu querer e sua vontade para nossas vidas.

Deus opera em cada coração tanto o querer quanto a efetuação, ou seja, podemos entender que Deus está fazendo um chamado especial para cada um de nós e está pronto a efetivar esse chamado nas nossas vidas, mais temos que estarmos dispostos a nos entregar ao chamado de Deus e sua boa vontade, deixando ele trabalhar em nossas vidas, para que outras vidas possam conhecer o poder e a grandeza de Deus.

Você que chegou até o final desse livro quero agradecer a Deus, pela sua vida. E mais uma vez enfatizar que nosso chamado, não deve ser de forma alguma, rejeitado ou desprezado. Não podemos de forma alguma abrir mão do nosso chamado, mas sim pedimos ao Senhor, força para prosseguimos avante.

O espírito do Senhor DEUS está sobre mim; porque o SENHOR me ungiu, para pregar boas novas… (Isaías 61:1).

Os que semeiam em lágrimas segarão com alegria. Aquele que leva a preciosa semente, andando e chorando, voltará, sem dúvida, com alegria, trazendo consigo os seus molhos (Salmos 126:5,6).

Presbítero: Allan Luiz

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Written by : Ministério Veredas Do IDE

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