Genesis is known as the book that opens, as it is the first book of the holy bible. In Genesis is contained the entire history of humanity and creation. The writer of the book of Genesis describes in great detail the creative works.
The First Day of Creation: God’s project was at its beginning, for this reason the Bible describes that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was formless and void.
Genesis 1:1,2 – In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
And the earth was formless and void; and there was darkness over the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
If we look for the meaning of form, we will find: physical configuration characteristic of beings and things, as a result of the structuring of their parts; shape, shape.
God then begins to give creation orders and the only word he says is there, and as God was releasing the word there, the earth took shape.
Genesis 1:3-5 – And God said: Let there be light; and there was light.
And God saw that the light was good; and God made a separation between light and darkness.
And God called the light Day; and the darkness he called Night. And it was evening and morning, the first day.
On the first day of creation, we can observe God’s creative method, God uses the power of the word, so that everything was created. Through his word God created the light that was now dispelling the darkness. it is possible to see countless times the word of God saying “And God said” we can observe this in each verse of chapter 1 verses (3,6,9,11,14,20,24 and 26)
We understand that God is commanding that the Light is created, but this light does not mean sunlight, for sunlight will only be developed there on the fourth day.
On the first day of creation, God is teaching us that he is the creator, and that nothing is able to exist unless he first created it. God presents himself as the origin of the universe, and of everything that exists in it, whether nature, animals, or men, in everything we find the signature of God, and we understand that everything came from Him and nothing would be able to exist if it weren’t for of your creation.
Fingerprints of God
- Water has 3 (three) atoms, two of hydrogen and one of oxygen.
- Earth is the third planet of the solar system
- The human being has spirit, soul and body.
- Time is divided into past, present and future
- Space is calculated into width, height and depth
- Base of matter consists of protons, neutrons and electrons (these are atoms)
- The base state of matter solid, liquid and gas
- Music consists of melody, harmony and rhythm
God presents himself to man as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We managed to find the number three present in numerous things, we could say that it refers to the creator.
We observe that in the world we live in, everything is alive and life is directly linked to the creator, because he who gave life from nature to man, for this reason we are entirely dependent on God to live.
We understand that God exercises total power over everything that exists in this universe, because we understand that God is the creator, and therefore He who governs the entire universe, everything is in his control of his hands, and it happens within his will, nothing escapes the control of God, because before we even existed God had already designed us.
When God develops man, he wanted us to be happy and have his presence to share his life and joy.
Day Two
Genesis 1:6-8 – And God said, Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let there be a separation between the waters and the waters.
And God made the expanse, and made a separation between the waters that were under the expanse and the waters that were above the expanse; and so it was.
And God called the expanse of Heaven, and the evening and the morning were the second day.
On the second day, God continues to put creation in order and then at this moment of the second day we see God developing the firmament, which in some bibles we find the word expansion, which refers to what we know as the atmosphere placed between the water on earth and the clouds above. In a special way the creator now makes the sky have a barrier between the water that was on the surface of the earth and the moisture that was in the air.
Day Three
Genesis 1:9-13 – And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered to one place; and the dry portion appears; and so it was.
And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering of the waters he called Seas; and saw God that it was good.
And God said, Let the earth bring forth green herb, herb yielding seed, fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in it upon the earth; and so it was.
And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind, and the fruit tree, whose seed is in it after its kind; and saw God that it was good.
And there was evening and morning, the third day.
On the third day of creation, God then puts in order the water, the land and delimits making everything stay in an organized way. There then begins the process of creating what we know today as continents, islands, seas, and fruitful plants, each according to its kind.
Fourth day
Genesis 1:14-19 – And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens, that there may be a separation between the day and the night; and let them be for signs and for appointed times and for days and years.
And be for lights in the expanse of the heavens, to lighten the earth; and so it was.
And God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; and made the stars.
And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to lighten the earth,
And to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and saw God that it was good.
And there was evening and morning, the fourth day.
On the fourth Day of Creation God creates luminaries in the expansion of the heavens, at this moment God then created the separation between day and night, the luminaries went far beyond being something that would indicate difference between day and night, but would also be to determine the times days and years.
Fifth Day
Genesis 1:20-23 – And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly creeping things with a living soul; and let the birds fly over the face of the expanse of the heavens.
And God created the great whales, and every living thing that creeps, which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kinds; and every winged bird after its kind; and saw God that it was good.
And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas; and the birds multiply in the land.
And there was evening and morning, the fifth day.
On the fifth day of creation God commanded the waters to produce all living reptiles, animals that could fly, animals from the smallest to the largest. Each animal according to its kind, for God wanted each animal to multiply.
Sixth day
Genesis 1:24-31 – And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living soul after its kind; cattle, and creeping things, and wild beasts of the earth after their kind; and so it was.
And God made the wild beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing of the earth after its kind; and saw God that it was good.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
And God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is on the face of all the earth; and every tree in which there is fruit bearing seed shall be for food for you.
And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every creeping thing on the earth, in which there is a living creature, every green herb shall be for food; and so it was.
And God saw all that he had made, and, behold, it was very good; and there was evening and morning, the sixth day.
Then on the sixth day God commands the earth to bring forth a living soul, each after its kind. We have arrived at the most awaited moment of creation, where God develops man and we can notice that in every verse of Genesis 1, God comes with the power of the word, when God commanded that something come to be created it was created immediately. When it was time for man to be created, God was concerned about what this man would be like, and said God let’s do it, see that it is in the plural, let’s make man in our image and likeness.
We understand that in the process of creation the father, the son and the Holy Spirit were present.
Seventh Day
Genesis 2:1-3 – Thus the heavens and the earth and all their host were finished.
And when on the seventh day God had finished his work which he had done, he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done.
And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; for in him he rested from all his work which God had created and made.
After all creation, we see that God rested from all his work that he had done, we understand that God was not resting from physical weariness or effort of creation.
The rest of God here means, that he had completed all the creative process, and now there was nothing more that needed to be created, so the process of creation ends at that moment, so it is interpreted that God rested, that is, God did not worked on this day.
We understand the entire process of creation from the above, we understand that God is the creator of the heavens and the earth and everything that exists is at God’s hand.
The human being may not understand, but within him there is a little bit of God, because God breathes into man’s nostrils the breath of life, so if we are alive it is because we have a little piece of God within our lives.